I am by no means a professional or experienced front end developer. Although I am mainly interested in systems operating systems and experienced in system programming at the network level, I have always been totally blown away by a great portfolio website. In these examples, you see the talent, complexity, and design sense of these developers. JavaScript and its friends often get a bad rap on tech YouTube and other social media sites, but its been the JS community that has informed many recent developments in systems programming. Namely, the adoption of a first class package manager in Rust. I also believe JS devs helped popularize the concept of linting and formatting dotfiles.
This is my foray into web development. The main technologies used here, and that make this site possible, are NextJS, TailwindCSS, and FramerMotion. For hosting, I am using Vercel, and my personal domains I license manually on Route53.
- https://michaelfortunato.dev
- Dev: https://personal-website-git-dev-michael-fortunatos-projects.vercel.app
- shad-ui theme generator: https://shadcn-ui-theme-generator.vercel.app
- shad-ui theme generator: https://dizzy.systems/editor
- Typescript cheatsheet: https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app/docs/react-types/componentprops