This package contains modules for downloading and installing MM through python, and for accessing the Java core of a running micro-manager instance, creating a headless java core object for access through python, or creating and instance of the python wrapper of the core (pymmcore)
pip install mmpycorex
- Python utility functions for downloading and installing Micro-Manager
from mmpycorex import download_and_install_mm, find_existing_mm_install
# this automatically installs the latest nightly build
# specify destination="your/custom/path", otherwise it will default to 'C:/Program files/Micro-Manager/'
# on windows or the home directory on mac
installed_path = download_and_install_mm()
### Java Core example
from mmpycorex import create_core_instance, terminate_core_instances, get_default_install_location
# If micro-manager is alread running, you can get access to the core directly
# (just make sure the "run server" in the tools options dialog is checked)
# Otherwise you must create an instance of the Core in headless mode
mm_location = get_default_install_location() # 'C:/Program files/Micro-Manager/'
config_file = 'MMConfig_demo.cfg'
create_core_instance(mm_location, config_file, python_backend=False) # Create a remote MMCoreJ object
# Now that a core is running (either through the MM App or headless mode), create an object to access it
core = Core()
#### use the core
### pymmcore example
from mmpycorex import create_core_instance, terminate_core_instances
# Otherwise you must create an instance of the Core in headless mode
mm_location = get_default_install_location() # 'C:/Program files/Micro-Manager/'
config_file = 'MMConfig_demo.cfg'
create_core_instance(mm_location, config_file, python_backend=True) # Create pymmcore instance
# Now that a core is running (either through the MM App or headless mode), create an object to access it
core = Core()
#### use the core