Release 3.6.20139.01
Please head to to install the VSIX.
Included in this version:
- Update target platform version to 19041
- Infrastructure changes to support WPF with .NET Core 3 project creation
- New Page: Two Pane View Page
- Bug fixes
Dev platform updates:
- AdaptiveCards to 1.2.4
- Appium.WebDriver to 4.1.1
- Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics to 3.1.0
- Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes to 3.1.0
- Microsoft.Identity.Client to 4.11.0
- Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 16.4.0
- Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp to 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls to 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Animations to 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.DataGrid to 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications to 6.0.0
- Microsoft.UI.Xaml to 2.3.200213001
- MSTest.TestFramework to 2.1.1
- MSTest.TestAdapter to 2.1.1
- Moq to 4.13.1
- Newtonsoft.Json to 12.0.3
- NUnit3TestAdapter to 3.16.1
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager to 4.7.0
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to 5.3.1
- Telerik.UI.for.UniversalWindowsPlatform to
- Win2D.uwp to 1.25.0