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Notes for upgrading from v2.x to v3.x of Azure Toolkit for Eclipse IntelliJ

Hanxiao Liu edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Deprecation of support for Cloud Services in v3.x

In the next upcoming version of Azure Toolkit for Eclipse/IntelliJ (v3.0), the old style "Classic" Cloud Service deployments and other "Classic" services will no longer be supported. That includes:

  • no more Azure Deployment Project and any of the features that come with it
  • no need for the Azure SDK for .NET (no longer a pre-req for Windows)
  • no need for the Azure emulator (for Windows)
  • no more Ant task extension for publishing to Cloud Services (cspack.jar)
  • no more support for "Classic" storage accounts and "Classic" virtual machines in the Azure Explorer
  • publish-settings file no longer supported as an authentication mechanism Also, dropping support for the deprecated Azure Access Control Services filter.

Archive of the last version supporting Cloud Services:

The last version of the Eclipse plugin supporting the "classic" Cloud Services and other "classic" features of Azure is available at an archived update site at: However, users are encouraged to migrate their application to use Azure Web Apps (App Services) and/or Azure support for Docker Containers, instead of Azure Cloud Services.

Features still supported and enhanced in v3.x

The new v3.0 plugins' suport will be focused on the newer "Azure Resource Manager"-based functionality in Azure that users are encouraged to migrate to, if not using them already. Support for the following previously released features will continue to expand:

  • Azure Web Apps (App Services)
  • Virtual Machines (but not "Classic")
  • HDInsight
  • Application Insights
  • Storage (Blobs, but not "Classic")
  • Active Directory-based authentication

New features in v3.0.0 release

New functionality includes:

  • Docker Host creation in VMs
  • Web app publishing as Docker containers
  • KeyVault integration
  • Active Directory service principal-based authentication

Upgrading to v3.x from v2.x in Eclipse

⚠️ Note: The v2.x of the Azure Toolkit for Eclipse cannot be automatically updated to v3.x because the changes between the two major versions are too significant. To install v3.x, you should first manually uninstall all of the v2.x components, and then install v3.x. The specific list of Toolkit components to look for in Eclipse and uninstall is:

  • Application Insights Plugin for Java
  • Azure Access Control Services Filter
  • Azure Common Plugin
  • Azure Explorer for Eclipse
  • Azure HDInsight plugin for Java
  • Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java
  • Azure Web Apps Plugin for Java
  • Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server
  • Package for Apache QPid Client Libraries for JMS
  • Package for Microsoft Azure Libraries for Java

Then install v3.x from the usual update site at or from Eclipse Marketplace.

Learn more

Visit the Azure Java Developer Center to learn the latest about working with Java applications on Microsoft Azure.