This project is being archived. As part of the archival process, we're closing all open issues and pull requests. For a current Objective-C sample, see ios-objectivec-connect-sample
You can continue to use this sample "as-is", but it won't be maintained moving forward. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Register and configure the app
- Enable keychain sharing
- Build and debug
- Running the sample
- How the sample affects your tenant data
- Questions and comments
- Additional resources
This sample contains a repository of code snippets that show how to use the Microsoft Graph SDK to send email, manage groups, and perform other activities with Office 365 data. It uses the Microsoft Graph SDK for iOS to work with data returned by Microsoft Graph.
This repository shows you how to access multiple resources, including Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) and the Office 365 APIs, by making HTTP requests to the Microsoft Graph API in an iOS app.
In addition, the sample uses msgraph-sdk-ios-nxoauth2-adapter for authentication. To make requests, an MSAuthenticationProvider must be provided which is capable of authenticating HTTPS requests with an appropriate OAuth 2.0 bearer token. We will be using this framework for a sample implementation of MSAuthenticationProvider that can be used to jump-start your project.
Note The msgraph-sdk-ios-nxoauth2-adapter is a sample OAuth implementation for authentication in this app and meant for demonstration purposes.
These snippets are simple and self-contained, and you can copy and paste them into your own code, whenever appropriate, or use them as a resource for learning how to use the Microsoft Graph SDK for iOS. For a list of all the raw snippets used in this sample for reference, see Sample operations list in the wiki.
Note: If possible, please use this sample with a "non-work" or test account. The sample does not always clean up the created objects in your mailbox and calendar. At this time you'll have to manually remove sample mails and calendar events. Also note that the snippets that get and send messages and that get, create, update, and delete events won't work with all personal accounts. These operations will eventually work when those accounts are updated to work with the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint.
This sample requires the following:
- XCode from Apple
- Installation of CocoaPods as a dependency manager.
- A Microsoft work or personal email account such as Office 365, or,, etc. You can sign up for an Office 365 Developer subscription that includes the resources that you need to start building Office 365 apps.
- A client id from the registered app at Microsoft Graph App Registration Portal
- As stated above, to make authentication requests, an MSAuthenticationProvider must be provided which is capable of authenticating HTTPS requests with an appropriate OAuth 2.0 bearer token.
- Sign into the App Registration Portal using either your personal or work or school account.
- Select Add an app.
- Enter a name for the app, and select Create application. The registration page displays, listing the properties of your app.
- Under Platforms, select Add platform.
- Select Mobile application.
- Copy the Client Id (App Id) for later use. You'll need to enter this value into the sample app. The app id is a unique identifier for your app.
- Select Save.
For Xcode 8, you'll need to add the keychain group or your app will fail to access the keychain. To add the keychain group:
Select the project on the project manager panel in Xcode. (⌘ + 1).
Select iOS-objectivec-snippets-sample.
On the Capabilities tab, enable Keychain Sharing.
Add to the Keychain Groups.
Clone this repository
Use CocoaPods to import the Microsoft Graph SDK and authentication dependencies:
pod 'MSGraphSDK' pod 'MSGraphSDK-NXOAuth2Adapter'
This sample app already contains a podfile that will get the pods into the project. Simply navigate to the project From Terminal and run:
pod install
For more information, see Using CocoaPods in Additional Resources
Open O365-iOS-Microsoft-Graph-SDK.xcworkspace
Open AuthenticationConstants.m. You'll see that the ClientID from the registration process can be added to the top of the file.:
// You will set your application's clientId NSString * const kClientId = @"ENTER_YOUR_CLIENT_ID";
Note: For more information on permission scopes required to use this sample, see the below section Running the sample.
Run the sample.
When launched, the app displays a series of boxes representing common user tasks. These tasks can be run based on account type and permission level:
- Tasks that are applicable to both work or school and personal accounts, such as getting and sending email, creating files, etc.
- Tasks that are only applicable to work or school accounts, such as getting a user's manager or account photo.
- Tasks that are only applicable to a work or school account with administrative permissions, such as getting group members or creating new user accounts.
Select the task that you want to perform and click on it to run. Be aware that if you log in with an account that doesn't have applicable permissions for the tasks you've selected they'll fail. For example if try to run a particular snippet, like get all tenant groups, from an account that doesn't not have admin privileges in the org the operation will fail. Or, if you log in with a personal account like and attempt to get the manager of the signed in user, it will fail.
Currently this sample app is configured with the following scopes located in Authentication\AuthenticationConstants.m:
You'll be able to perform several operations just using the scopes defined above. However, there are some tasks that require admin privileges to run properly, and the tasks in the UI will be marked as requiring admin access. Administrators may add the following scopes to Authentication.constants.m to run these snippets:
Also, to see what snippets can be run against an admin, organization, or personal accounts see Snippets Library/Snippets.m. Each snippet description will detail the level of access.
##How the sample affects your tenant data This sample runs commands that create, read, update, or delete data. When running commands that delete or edit data, the sample creates test entities. The sample will leave behind some of these entities on your tenant.
If you'd like to contribute to this sample, see CONTRIBUTING.MD.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
We'd love to get your feedback about the Microsoft Graph iOS Objective C Snippets Sample project. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.
Your feedback is important to us. Connect with us on Stack Overflow. Tag your questions with [MicrosoftGraph].
Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft. All rights reserved.