Teaching a TurtleBot 3 to follow a track using reinforcement learning. Credits to Kalvin, and Professor Matt Taylor for the track, and the original 3d assets.
- Trained a DQN on a Linear Annealled Policy based on Epsilon Greedy
- Fed the TurtleBot's camera feed to a CNN
- Negative reward for being outside the middle of the track
- Large magnitude negative reward for veering far off the track
- Large positive reward for reaching the finish line
- Install ROS Noetic
- Install Gazebo
- Install OpenAI Gym and others with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Pull this repo to your
folder - Run
in your~/catkin_ws
folder - Run
in one terminal - Run
roslaunch turtlebot3_rl main.launch gui:=false headless:=true
in another (configure the arguments accordingly to render the environment in Gazebo) - Run
VISUALIZE=false rosrun turtlebot3_rl main.py
in yet a third (configureVISUALIZE
env var accordingly to render the camera stream) - 🚀
- Running a proper headless setup on more capable machines (This was trained in an Ubuntu VM on my 2020 1.4GHz Macbook Pro)
- Providing other sensory input (odometry, or laser scan) from the robot to the RL algorithm