1st homework assignment for coding bootcamp. The assignment was to build a portfolio site with an index.html, contact.html and portfolio.html pages to showcase our understanding of HTML and CSS.
To take this out for a test drive just download the repository and open up index.html in Chrome.
Best if run on Chrome.
- Download the entire repository
- Open index.html in Chrome
- Enjoy
As you explore the file feel free to click on any links you come across.
###Break down into end to end tests
- index.html showcases my understanding of html and css.
- portfolio.html showcases my understanding of floats.
- contact.html showcases my understanding of forms.
###And coding style tests
Any feedback regarding my code would be greatly appreciated.
Still in beta and not ready for deployment.
It was all me.
- Mike Yamato.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- A special shout out to my moka coffee maker. I couldn't have done it without your full support.