step certificate create root.linkerd.cluster.local linkerd-control-plane/ca.crt linkerd-control-plane/ca.key \
--profile root-ca --no-password --insecure
step certificate create identity.linkerd.cluster.local linkerd-control-plane/issuer.crt linkerd-control-plane/issuer.key \
--profile intermediate-ca --not-after 8760h --no-password --insecure \
--ca linkerd-control-plane/ca.crt --ca-key linkerd-control-plane/ca.key
just apply-all
just emojivoto
linkerd viz dashboard
or open http://linkerd-viz.local:54321
just expect-backend-a
just expect-backend-b
- Generating your own mTLS root certificates | Linkerd
- Installing Linkerd with Helm | Linkerd
- smallstep/cli: 🧰 A zero trust swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP, etc.
- helmfile/helmfile: Declaratively deploy your Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize configs, and Charts as Helm releases. Generate all-in-one manifests for use with ArgoCD.
- casey/just: 🤖 Just a command runner