- metal structure meeting
- reach out to neigbors about fence
- reach out about getting point cloud
- import topography into linux (for earth plan design)
- file is .dwg (autocad)
- librecad/qcad
- teighaviewer
- lx-viewer
-? what is hill angle?
kicad - electronic design, circuits openscad leocad - for building lego designs
librecad - can’t open file Opened dwg file version dwg version 2013. error reading tables in dwg file Cannot open the file
- need to convert from .dwg to .dxf To convert and then use LibreCAD, you may try the Teigha - file converter. Google for it. It seems they don’t provide a free version anymore, but maybe it still works. Or, as a full system, try Draftsight. It’s not open source, but they provide a free version. It’s more complex than LibreCAD. You can use it as a converter only by opening and saving again as dxf. LibreCAD supports dxf only up to version 2007, to be safe also use ASCI type. LibreCAD only supports 2-D drawings.
- oda file converter:
- binary packages only deb, rpm
- autocad is only 2d anyway
- need to get point cloud data
- review chat w/ alex
- review floor dimensions
- 640cm is exterior dimension?
- add doors
- add windows
- add stairs
- add furniture
- add deck
- setup camera
- cassowary constraint solver
- ? how does this compare to core.logic? no math?
- may have to create a side view plan (with z in the -y direction)
toast message: invisible walls: