Python API to search & get recipes from the '' website (web crawler, unofficial)
Useful, efficient and super simple to use.
News (0.2.3) : Package fully up to date on 2018-12-21 on version 0.2.3 according to marmiton website html recent changes
pip install python-marmiton==0.3.3
python >= 3.4
beautifulsoup4 >= 4.6
- name: name of the recipe.
- description: short description of the recipe.
- url: url of the detailed recipe on ''.
- image: if exists, image of the recipe (url).
- rate: recipe rate bewteen 0 and 5.
- name: name of the recipe
- ingredients: string list of the recipe ingredients (including quantities)
- steps: string list of each step of the recipe
- image: if exists, image of the recipe (url).
- cook_time: string, cooking time of the recipe
- prep_time: string, estimated preparation time of the recipe
- (New in 0.3)
- total_time: string, estimated total time of the recipe (cooking + preparation time)
- author: string, name of the author of the recipe
- nb_comments: string, number of comments/rates left by users
- people_quantity: string, number of people the recipie is made for
- budget: string, indicate the category of budget according to the website
- difficulty: string, indicate the category of difficulty according to the website
- rate, string: rate of the recipe out of 5
- author_tip: string, note or tip left by the author
- tags: string list, tags of the recipe
from marmiton import Marmiton, RecipeNotFound
# Search :
query_options = {
"aqt": "boeuf bourguignon", # Query keywords - separated by a white space
"dt": "platprincipal", # Plate type : "entree", "platprincipal", "accompagnement", "amusegueule", "sauce" (optional)
"exp": 2, # Plate price : 1 -> Cheap, 2 -> Medium, 3 -> Kind of expensive (optional)
"dif": 2, # Recipe difficulty : 1 -> Very easy, 2 -> Easy, 3 -> Medium, 4 -> Advanced (optional)
"veg": 0, # Vegetarien only : 0 -> False, 1 -> True (optional)
query_result =
# Get :
recipe = query_result[0]
main_recipe_url = recipe['url']
detailed_recipe = Marmiton.get(main_recipe_url) # Get the details of the first returned recipe (most relevant in our case)
except RecipeNotFound as e:
print(f"No recipe found for '{query_options['aqt']}'")
import sys
# Display result :
print("## %s\n" % detailed_recipe['name']) # Name of the recipe
print("Recette par '%s'" % (detailed_recipe['author']))
print("Noté %s/5 par %s personnes." % (detailed_recipe['rate'], detailed_recipe['nb_comments']))
print("Temps de cuisson : %s / Temps de préparation : %s / Temps total : %s." % (detailed_recipe['cook_time'] if detailed_recipe['cook_time'] else 'N/A',detailed_recipe['prep_time'], detailed_recipe['total_time']))
print("Tags : %s" % (", ".join(detailed_recipe['tags'])))
print("Difficulté : '%s'" % detailed_recipe['difficulty'])
print("Budget : '%s'" % detailed_recipe['budget'])
print("\nRecette pour %s personne(s) :\n" % detailed_recipe['people_quantity'])
for ingredient in detailed_recipe['ingredients']: # List of ingredients
print("- %s" % ingredient)
for step in detailed_recipe['steps']: # List of cooking steps
print("# %s" % step)
if detailed_recipe['author_tip']:
print("\nNote de l'auteur :\n%s" % detailed_recipe['author_tip'])
- Preparation time, Cooking time, Total time, etc (available on v0.2.2)
- Multiple images returned for the search / get requests
- Limit the number of returned query on search
- More returned data & query options
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