Find your rank on Google and other search engines.
Install the module with: npm install ego
ego = require 'ego'
phrase: "ebay"
domain: ""
success: (result) ->
console.log "Google position: #{result.position}"
output: "Google position: 1"
Google will temporarily block searches if they suspect you're automating searches. You can specify a delay (in milliseconds) between each pagination to avoid this.
ego.options.delay = 5000
# or
delay: 5000
phrase: "ebay"
domain: ""
success: (result) ->
console.log "Google position: #{result.position}"
(Coming soon)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- Incorporate bing/yahoo
- now using node-google
Copyright (c) 2013 Simon W. Jackson
Licensed under the MIT license.