A MiniQL query resolver to query inline data.
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Install the modules in your Node.js project:
npm install --save miniql
npm install --save @miniql/inline
Import the modules (JavaScript):
const { miniql } = require("miniql");
const { createQueryResolver } = require("@miniql/inline");
Import the modules (TypeScript):
import { miniql } from "miniql";
import { createQueryResolver } from "@miniql/inline";
Configure and create an inline data query resolver:
// Configures the inline query resolver.
const inlineQueryConfig = {
species: {
primaryKey: "name",
nested: {
homeworld: {
parentKey: "homeworld",
from: "planet",
planet: {
primaryKey: "name",
nested: {
species: {
foreignKey: "homeworld",
// The data that we'd like to query.
const data = {
species: [
name: "Hutt",
classification: "gastropod",
designation: "sentient",
language: "Huttese",
homeworld: "Nal Hutta",
// ... more data goes here ..
planet: [
name: "Nal Hutta",
rotation_period: 87,
orbital_period: 413,
diameter: 12150,
climate: "temperate",
terrain: "urban, oceans, swamps, bogs",
population: 7000000000
// ... more data goes here ..
// ... more data goes here ..
// Creates a query resolver for inline data.
const queryResolver = await createQueryResolver(inlineQueryConfig);
Now you can make queries against the dataset, for example:
const query = {
get: {
species: { // Query for "species" entity.
// No arguments gets all entities.
resolve: {
homeworld: { // Resolves the homeworld of each species as a nested lookup.
// Invokes MiniQL.
const result = await miniql(query, queryResolver, {});
// Displays the query result.
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
Please see MiniQL for more information on how to make queries.
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