Basic key-value store with sorted set support (micro-redis). Can handle multiple simultaneous connections, but the requests are serialized and processed against the datastore by a single worker thread.
- initialSize - initial capacity of key-value store (default: 1024)
- addCrLf - set to
for server responses to terminate with\r\n
- handlerTimeout - seconds until server gives up on processing a command (default: no timeout)
- verbose - set to
to enable verbose logging - debug - set to
to enable debug asserts
Application accepts a single argument, a port number. Default: 5555
- SET key value
- SET key value EX seconds (need not implement other SET options)
- GET key
- DEL key
- INCR key
- ZADD key score member
- ZCARD key
- ZRANK key member
- ZRANGE key start stop