Demo for Plan Recognition as Planning over Classical Action Theories
The demo requires:
- The sources of the automated planning toolkit, which you will need to clone.
- The Qt4 development libraries. Note that latest versions of Ubuntu come with Qt5 pre-installed. Getting Qt4 installed 'alongside' Qt5 is trivial in Ubuntu 16.04, all is needed is the following command
$ sudo apt install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools
Some quick and dirty instructions to build this project:
go into the folder lapkt-lib and edit the script SConstruct, changing the paths in lines 18-19 so they point to the location where you cloned LAPKT-public,
issue the command 'scons', this will produce the binaries for the planning algorithms needed by the demo,
go back into the root folder of the demo sources and edit line 10 of the file, changing the references to LAPKT-public as appropiate,
issue the command
if you have both Qt4 and Qt5 installed in your system). This will produce a working Makefile script, -
build the app with