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legacy: update json
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ustc: same

siyuan: same

zhiyuan: same

sustech: same

nwafu: fetch failed

iscas: same

xidian: fetch failed

zju: fetch failed

sdu: fetch failed

scau: same

uestc: same

lzu: same

jlu: update
- mirrors:pypi:desc:Python 软件包索引
+ mirrors:pypi:desc:Python 软件包索引「注意!」正在重新同步,尚未同步部分将自动重定向上游。

opentuna: fetch failed

nju: update
- info:DBeaver CE:name:dbeaver-ce 23.2.1 (macos-x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (win, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (win, x86)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (rpm, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (mac, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (deb, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (win, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (win, x86)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (rpm, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (mac, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (deb, x86_64)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (walleye, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (vs995, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (vela, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (tissot, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (sargo, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230826 (s3ve3gjv, 18.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230925 (rhode, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (pstar, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (payton, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (odroidc4, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (nx611j, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (natrium, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (nash, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (monet, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (lemonadep, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (lake, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230826 (kltedv, 18.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230827 (klte, 18.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (kirin, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (joan, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230826 (jflteatt, 18.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (hotdog, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230921 (hawao, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (gtowifi, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (evert, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (enchilada, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (dumpling, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (devon, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (d2s, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (crownlte, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (crosshatch, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (blueline, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (bardock, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230826 (albus, 18.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (X00TD, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (TP1803, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230919 (PL2, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (walleye, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (vs995, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (vela, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (tissot, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (sargo, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (s3ve3gjv, 18.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230918 (rhode, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (pstar, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (payton, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (odroidc4, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (nx611j, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (natrium, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (nash, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (monet, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (lemonadep, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (lake, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (kltedv, 18.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (klte, 18.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (kirin, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (joan, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (jflteatt, 18.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (hotdog, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230914 (hawao, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (gtowifi, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (evert, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (enchilada, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (dumpling, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230913 (devon, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (d2s, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (crownlte, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (crosshatch, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (blueline, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (bardock, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (albus, 18.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (X00TD, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (TP1803, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (Spacewar, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230926 (PL2, 20.0)
- info:Stellarium:name:stellarium_user_guide 23.2-1 (pdf)
- info:Stellarium:name:stellarium 23.2 (tar.gz)
+ info:Stellarium:name:stellarium_user_guide 23.3-1 (pdf)
+ info:Stellarium:name:stellarium 23.3 (zip)
+ info:Stellarium:name:stellarium 23.3 (tar.gz)

neusoft: same

tuna: update
- info:Dart SDK
- info:Flutter SDK
- info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (WIN, x64-installer-1.exe):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/LatestRelease/FreeCAD-0.21.1-WIN-x64-installer-1.exe
+ info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (WIN, x64-installer-1.exe):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/FreeCAD 0.21.1/FreeCAD-0.21.1-WIN-x64-installer-1.exe
- info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (Linux, x86_64.AppImage):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/LatestRelease/FreeCAD_0.21.1-Linux-x86_64.AppImage
+ info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (Linux, x86_64.AppImage):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/FreeCAD 0.21.1/FreeCAD_0.21.1-Linux-x86_64.AppImage
- info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (Linux, aarch64.AppImage):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/LatestRelease/FreeCAD_0.21.1-Linux-aarch64.AppImage
+ info:FreeCAD:name:FreeCAD 0.21.1 (Linux, aarch64.AppImage):url:/github-release/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/FreeCAD 0.21.1/FreeCAD_0.21.1-Linux-aarch64.AppImage
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version Serif2.001 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
+ info:Google Fonts:name:noto-cjk Serif CJK Version 2.002 (OTF, OTC, Super OTC, Subset OTF, Variable OTF_TTF)/
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (win, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (win, x86)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (rpm, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (mac, x86_64)
- info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.0 (deb, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (win, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (win, x86)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (rpm, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (mac, x86_64)
+ info:LibreOffice:name:7.6.2 (deb, x86_64)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (voyager, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (troika, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (tangorpro, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (redfin, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230921 (pro1x, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (pdx215, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (oriole, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (nx563j, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (nairo, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (mermaid, 19.1)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (marlin, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (lancelot, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (heart, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (h830, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (gta4xlwifi, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (dre, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230921 (dipper, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230913 (devon, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (davinci, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (d2x, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (beyond2lte, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (berlna, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (beckham, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (axolotl, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230921 (avicii, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (akari, 20.0)
- info:LineageOS:name:20230920 (Mi439, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (voyager, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (troika, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (tangorpro, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (redfin, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230928 (pro1x, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (pdx215, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (oriole, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (nx563j, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (nairo, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (mermaid, 19.1)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (marlin, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (lancelot, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (heart, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (h830, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (gta4xlwifi, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (dre, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230928 (dipper, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (devon, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (davinci, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (d2x, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (beyond2lte, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (berlna, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (beckham, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (axolotl, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230928 (avicii, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (akari, 20.0)
+ info:LineageOS:name:20230927 (Mi439, 20.0)
- info:Sarasa Gothic:name:0.42.0 (unhinted):url:/github-release/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic/LatestRelease/sarasa-gothic-ttc-unhinted-
+ info:Sarasa Gothic:name:0.42.0 (unhinted):url:/github-release/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic/LatestRelease/sarasa-gothic-super-ttc-unhinted-
- mirrors:flutter
- mirrors:redhat
+ mirrors:openwrt

bfsu: update
+ info:KDE neon:name:unstable (iso)

nano: same

neo: same

hit: same
  • Loading branch information
Mirrorz Bot committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 77a6aab commit 8cb7153
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,197 additions and 1,274 deletions.

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