The newest chat app in town!
View a recorded app demo here: Who's App Demo
- Description
- Deployed Application
- Motivation
- User Story
- Technologies
- Future Improvements
- Installation
- Usage
- Credits
- License
Privacy is hard to come by these days, especially online. Your data is sold from company to company like a current down the river and we wanted to bring back some anonymity to our daily social life. Our Who’s App is just that: Who is it that you’ll be talking to? You’ll never know with individual chat rooms established to talk to anyone else in the room, and then upon exit the messages are obliterated.
This challenge is deployed to Heroku: Who's App on Heroku
and housed on Github: Who's App on Github
Demo link: Who's App Demo
To provide a fun, fast, free, and secure way of chatting with people from around the world
As a user I want to chat with other people across the world So I can have secure and anonymous conversations
GIVEN a user want to chat with someone else
WHEN I open the webpage,
THEN I am asked to sign up or log in
WHEN I sign up or log in,
THEN my credentials are saved to my device
WHEN I see the main chat page,
THEN I see a list of all of my contacts
WHEN I open one chat message
THEN I am presented with the ability to chat and can also see the chat history
- Node.js for back-end development
- Express.js for the REST API and session
- MySQL to store date to
- Sequelize to send objects
- Faker.js data to seed the database
- to communication between clients
- Handlebars.js to create the webpage
- Heroku to host the app
- Save messages to a database for message history - this changes the anonymous nature of the app, however
- Allowing users to choose a contact and enter into a chat room with that single contact only
clone github repo
npm install
node server.js
Go to http://localhost:3001
OR follow the above heroku deployed application link
Below are screenshots of Who's App.
Group 1 Madeleine Harris Hunter O'Neal Matthew Shahamad Emilio Acosta-Galicia Horatious Harris
No licenses