This is the file for the automated installation script for ACE Direct. The installation script clones or pulls the necessary repositories from GitHub, and installs required packages and their dependencies, including s oftware dependencies such as Node.js, Nginx, Redis, MongoDB, Git, and pm2. The script also disables SE Linux, which is required to do in order to run ACE Dire ct.
After all repositories are installed, the script prompts the user for editing th e global configuration file. Finally, it starts the installed and configured ser vers. The script includes an option to use HashConfig, an automated configuratio n and encoding tool, during the configuration process. The following diagram vis ually describes the installation script.
This repository also contains an optional helper script called nginx_configure.p y to be used after running In, the user has the optio n to edit the ACE Direct configuration file (typically dat/config.json), and aft er making edits the Nginx configuration file is automatically updated based on t he ACE Direct configuration values. If the user wishes to manually make addition al changes to dat/config.json after running, then they can run ngin to update the Nginx configuration based on the latest values in d at/config.json.
If Nginx is installed on a different server than the Node server, then nginx_con can be used on the Nginx server. This requires copying the 'dat' confi guration directory from the Node server to the Nginx server. It also requires ma nually cloning the Nginx repository and installing Nginx.
The script allows the user to install any of the following reposito ries in any order: ACE Direct, ACR-CDR, Management Portal, Aserver, Userver, Fendesk, and Virtual A gent.
The script is an optional helper script to configure nginx if any changes were made to the ACE Direct configuration after running installer.p y.
The installation scripts require the following:
The machine operating system must be CentOS (version 7 or newer), RedHat, Fedo ra, or Amazon Linux.
Python 2.7 is installed on the user machine.
Open the parent directory where the autoinstall repository will be placed; th e home directory is suggested.
Clone this repository as yourself but not centos
For example:
[user@aceserver ~]$ git clone ssh://
Copy from the autoinstall directory to the home directory, and e nter the home directory.
Run the python script as centos
python ./ -s <Git source> -b <Git branch> -u <ACE Direct user>
For example:
[centos@aceserver ~]$ python ./ -s 'ssh://' -b
'v2.1' -u '/home/centos'
The Git source to be used is 'ssh://', and the latest vers ion should be used for the Git branch, such as 'develop'. The ACE Direct user is the home directory where ACE Direct will be installed, such as '/home/centos'. While the script is running, follow any user prompts. Select any subset of the r epositories to install. To install all repositories, select the quick install op tion.
(Optional) For a one-click install, save the properly-configured, decoded con figuration file in the /home/centos directory with the naming convention "config _acedirect.json_TEMPLATE". Then choose the quick install option.
(Optional) To bypass cloning or pulling from Git, the optional command line a rgument "--ignore-git True" can be used. The Git source "-s" and branch "-b" nee d not be used in this case. In order for the script to run successfully with thi s option, the user must manually download all the needed files and directories t o the given environment.
When installation is complete and the script has finished running, a PM2 stat us window will be displayed with the name of each server and its status. The ser vers should all have a status "online". To verify successful installation, run t he command
pm2 status
and the servers should all have status "online" with 0 restarts. If the server c rashes after multiple automatic restarts, PM2 will stop the server and return a status of "errored". In this case, check the configuration file for possible err ors, and then try restarting the server with the command
pm2 restart <Name>
Make any desired changes to the ACE Direct configuration file. This file is t ypically located at ~/dat/config.json. If Nginx has been installed on a differen t server than the Node server, then manually copy the dat directory to the home directory on the Nginx server.
Copy from the autoinstall directory to the home directory, and enter the home directory.
Run the python script with the following command:
python ./