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wikkim edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 1 revision

To work with the DTF Web App, first do the following:

  1. Install Java JDK, Version 7 or 8 (Google it to find the right current page and download)

  2. Install Eclipse IDE for Jave EE Developers (as of Sept 15th, 2014 the link is at: and minimally configure to select a local directory to store your project meta data and other project files.

  3. Clone the DTF Web App to your local drive (as of Sept 15th, 2014 the link is at:

  4. Now you are ready to get hacking! In Eclipse, select "Import" from the File Menu. Then select "Import as Existing Maven Project". Then browse to the DTF-WebApp folder which is inside the directory you just cloned. Select and open that folder and then click finished.

  5. Now install Apache Tomcat Web Server (see CommonAccord documentation for a good example that documentation).

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