A curated list of resources for the plan9 acme editor.
- https://github.com/sminez/acme-corp: Utilities and extension programs for the acme text editor
- https://github.com/rogpeppe/apipe: Pipes the contents of the current acme window through a command applying minimal changes to the body.
- https://github.com/mkmik/arepa: Waits until any file belonging to the current project and required by the Go package in the current directory changes.
- https://github.com/ChristopherSegale/match-paren: matches opening and closing parentheses
- https://github.com/fhs/acme-lsp: Language Server Protocol tools for the acme text editor
- https://github.com/mkmik/acmik: A collection of Acme scripts
- https://github.com/mkhl/cmd/tree/master/acme/acmeeval: eval an acme command from a script
- editorconfig: support for editorconfig
- https://github.com/davidrjenni/A: Go tools for acme
- https://github.com/rogpeppe/godef: Print where symbols are defined in Go source code
- https://github.com/mkmik/waigo: Waits until any file belonging to the current project and required by the Go package in the current directory changes.
- https://github.com/mjibson/acre: a langserver client for acme in Rust.
- https://github.com/mkmik/acmeclj: Clojure "IDE" for acme, supports nREPL
- https://github.com/hdonnay/Jira: an acme based client for jira.
- https://github.com/sirnewton01/ghfs: GitHub filesystem
- https://rsc.io/github/issue: a client for reading and updating issues in a GitHub project issue tracker.
- https://github.com/s-urbaniak/acme: support higher level plugins for the acme editor.
- https://github.com/evbogdanov/acme: A collection of Acme notes and scripts