Wrapper library for using scalajs-react in a Widok application
This allows to use
- Your own FB React componnents written in scalajs-react
- Components written in scalas-react, e.g. scalajs-react-components
- FB React components wrapped as scalajs-react components (please share the wrapping)
Add this library to project dependencies (until it is published somewhere, you need to download this project and run "sbt publish-local" first):
libraryDependencies += "io.github.widok" %%% "widok-scalajs-react-wrapper" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" withSources() withJavadoc()
jsDependencies += "org.webjars" % "react" % "0.12.2" / "react-with-addons.js" commonJSName "React"
Then in the Widok based code:
import org.widok.bindings.scalajsReact.ReactComponentWrapper._
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.fascades.{LatLng, Marker}
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.searchboxes.ReactSearchBox.DefaultStyle
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.maps.GoogleMap
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.searchboxes.ReactSearchBox
object App extends PageApplication {
val lat = Var("63.0")
val lon = Var("10.0")
val latlng = lat.flatMap(lt => lon.map ( ln => LatLng(lt.toDouble, ln.toDouble) ))
def googleMapProps(width : String = "500px" , height : String = "500px", center: LatLng, zoom: Int = 4, markers: List[Marker] = Nil,url : String = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js") = GoogleMap.Props(width,height,center, zoom, markers,url)
val props = latlng.map( curPos => googleMapProps(center = curPos))
val searchText = Channel[String]
val searchProps = Var(
ReactSearchBox.Props(onTextChange = searchText.produce, style = DefaultStyle)
def view() = div(
span("Lat: "), number().bind(lat),
span("Lon: "), number().bind(lon),
span("Zoom: "), number().bind(zoom)
ReactDynamic(GoogleMap.component, props),
ReactDynamic(ReactSearchBox.component, searchProps),
"Search query: ", searchText,