Features / Enhancements
Navigation: Allow to navigate to screens on the same hierarchy level using dropdown menu in breadcrumbs:
Details panel: In details panels of Jobs, Artifacts, Functions, etc. — the tab headers and actions will stick to the top of the panel when scrolling down, allowing access to them even when viewing long content
In video:
Project Overview: NEW screen ✨ Selecting a project by clicking on its tile in “Projects” screen now drills down to this new overview screen where the user can find all different details about the project’s items, such as jobs, ML Functions, and artifacts.
Create Job: Redesign: made the function selection stage look like a marketplace of functions, sorted by categories. Also moved the function details panel to the right side.
Create Job: Add assistance to entering values in Data Inputs
Create Job › Schedule: Added a human-readable description of the entered cronstring to the "Cronstring" tab.
Create Job › Schedule: Simple tab: added a note about all times being in UTC timezone
Jobs › Monitor › Artifacts: Click on artifact name to collapse/expand instead of the “chevron” icon
Jobs › Monitor › Artifacts: Move pop-out icon button from row into the preview panel, remove “Show details…” textual link and instead add a new “Show details” icon button that opens the artifact details (from Artifacts screen) in a new browser tab
Jobs › Schedule: Add a “Run now” action to trigger the job instantly regardless of its schedule
Jobs › Schedule: Added "Schedule" column with a human-readable description of the cronstring of the scheduled job.
Artifacts: Split Artifacts screen into 3 new screens, one for each of the artifact categories: Models, Datasets and Files (i.e. Other)
Bug Fixes
- Jobs › Monitor › Artifacts: Artifact’s preview was not updating on switching to another job.
- Artifacts › Details panel: Added missing tooltip to download action
Full changelog
- 62f4255 Fix [Breadcrumbs] Crashes when switching projects (#284)
- 83cd07d Impl [Details panel] Stick tab headers & actions to top on scroll (#283)
- d11d648 Impl [Artifacts] Details: added tooltip to download button (#282)
- 17a958b Impl [Header] Navigate via breadcrumbs (#280)
- e4bd9ae Impl [Pkg] Enable to trigger workflows manually (#281)
- ff6e9df Impl [Config][Project Overview] Properly pass Nuclio UI URL (#279)
- e8331f5 Impl [Create Job] Schedule: Add note about UTC in Simple tab (#278)
- 931ad5b Impl [Create Job][Scheduled Job] Show human-readable schedule (#276)
- ca2a4c5 Fix [Config] Proxy to Nuclio API not working in production (#277)
- d9c6e9e Fix [Jobs] Columns unaligned with nested rows (#273)
- cfbf2b1 Impl [Project Overview] Layout tweaks to use more available room (#272)
- 07e5f71 Impl [Project Overview] Introduce Nuclio functions (#271)
- 7e11394 Docs [Readme] Development: add environment variables sections (#270)
- f2f59ff Impl [Config] Use env vars to config dev server proxies (#269)
- 0b13cf0 Impl [Config] Inject Nuclio UI from env vars into UI (#268)
- 8346994 Impl [Functions] Added "Delete" action (#267)
- 41986b8 Impl [Jobs] Schedule: Added "Run now" action (#266)
- 729d423 Impl [General] Add tests to common and Job components (#264)
- e6fabf8 Impl [Config] Dev server: Add proxy to Nuclio at '/nuclio' (#260)
- f77b73a Impl [Artifacts] Split screen to Datasets, Models, and Files (#257)
- 8a69bdf Impl [General] On production deploy on /mlrun path (#250)
- 8a35e35 Impl [General] Add tests to common and Job components (#249)
- 8c8d64d Fix [Create Job] Fixed bug with template selection (#247)
- fe12828 Impl [Create Job] Minor visual tweaks to marketplace (#246)
- 55e2273 Impl [Create Job] Data Inputs: add autocomplete assistance (#245)
- 7a62f96 Impl [General] Nuclio env vars changes (#244)
- 24f8d95 Fix [General] Default Nuclio API URL to resolvable host (#243)
- 9a58f95 Impl [General] Add tests to common components (#242)
- 991f09f Impl [Create Job] Redesign function marketplace (#241)
- 2a532ed Impl [General] Nuclio env vars changes (#240)
- d7aee2f Impl [General] Add proxy to Nuclio API (#239)
- 07abc57 Impl [Project Overview] Hide settings icon, "Launch IDE", Owner (#236)
- d6027c9 Impl [Pkg] Add GH action to build image per commit to development (#235)
- e63c23e Impl [General] Setup unit tests; Add unit tests to Input component (#234)
- f90f7a2 Impl [Jobs] Artifacts: convert Show Details to icon; Move popout (#233)
- 4a245f1 Fix [Jobs] Artifacts: preview not reset when switching jobs (#230)
- 43e7f9c Impl [Jobs] Artifacts: click on name to collapse/expand (#229)
- bb9da57 Impl [Jobs] Removed "Start Time" column (#227)
- 6a72bc6 Impl [Projects] Add "Project overview" screen (#212)