To save a D3 SVG as a PNG, call svgConvert.downloadSvgAsPng(selectorName, fileName, scale)
selectorName is the ID of the element containing the D3 SVG, as well as the selector for CSS styling.*
fileName is the name you would like your PNG file to have.
scale is an optional parameter to increase or decrease your image's size. The default is 3.
To get the PNG URI for the SVG, call svgConvert.svgToPngBytes(selectorName, callback, scale)
selectorName is the same as above.
callback a function that will be called to return the URI bytes.
scale is the same as above.
Call svgConvert.downloadUriAsPng(uri, fileName)
Quick addition for a project, this ideally will not be exposed in the future.
* CSS selector namespacing was added because, for our usage, we have many visualizations with unique styles defined for elements like "line" and "axis". Simply rolling up all application styles and applying them to the PNG won't ensure the right CSS styles are applied.
Furthermore, if font-family and font-size are not explicitly defined, they will not be visable on the PNG, so the libarary checks to see if both are defined, and, if not, will define them for you as text { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}
and text { font-size: 12px;}
. If you define these attributes within the CSS namespace of your SVG, those definitions will be respected.
This project has been adapted from exupero's version here.