TinyGrammar is a minimalistic implementation of Chomsky's generative grammar wrote by Massimo Barbieri
This is a Jolie (http://www.jolie-lang.org/) wrapper with translation support.
The code, with few modifications, comes from this post on Fabrizio's blog: http://fmontesi.github.io/2017/12/01/jolie-duckduckgo.html
Supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core version of TinyGrammar
Automatic translation through Google Translator APIs (default from italian to english), see: https://ctrlq.org/code/19909-google-translate-api
All examples use "tecnichese grammar": Tecnichese generator is a funny nonsense-technical Italian sentence generator
jolie tinygrammar.ol
per non bloccare l'operatività del Cliente, sarà necessario mettere in cluster sistemi Active Directory; il software quindi permetterà di generare ex novo un campo automatico
in order not to block the Client's operation, it will be necessary to cluster Active Directory systems; the software will then allow you to generate an automatic field from scratch
jolie tinygrammar.ol fr
per fornire l'accesso a uno stream Xml:
1. fare l'upgrade di flussi di informazione
2. convertire in Unicode un applicativo Silverlight
3. verificare la compatibilità di un controller Mvc
pour donner accès à un flux XML:
1. mettre à jour les flux d'information
2. convertir une application Silverlight en Unicode
3. vérifier la compatibilité d'un contrôleur
- Jolie
Copyright (C) Marco Montesi