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This repository contains the data and the scripts for data generation for the PlatyBrowser, a resource for exploring a full EM volume of a 6 day old Platynereis larva combined with a gene expression atlas and tissue, cellular and ultra-structure segmentations. For details, see Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology. It is implemented using MoBIE, a platform for exploring and sharing multi-modal big image data.

Data storage

Image meta-data and derived data is stored in the folder data. In order to deal with changes to this data, we follow a versioning scheme inspired by semantic versioning. Version numbers are given as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where

  • PATCH is increased if the derived data is updated, e.g. due to corrections in a segmentation or new attributes in a table.
  • MINOR is increased if new derived data is added, e.g. a new segmentation or a new table is added.
  • MAJOR is increased if a new modality is added, e.g. data from a different imaging source or a different specimen.

For a given version X.Y.Z, the data is stored in the directory data/X.Y.Z which contains the following subfolders:

  • images: Contains meta-data for all images in bigdata-viewer xml format. The actual image data (stored either as hdf5 or n5) is not under version control and can either be read from the local file system (subfolder local) or a remote object store (subfolder remote). In addition, the images folder contains a dictionary mapping image names to viewer and storage settings in images.json.
  • misc: Contains miscellanous data.
  • tables: Contains csv tables with additional data derived from the image data.

File naming

Image names must be prefixed by the header MODALITY-STAGE-ID-REGION, where

  • MODALITY is a shorthand for the imaging modality used to obtain the data, e.g. sbem for serial blockface electron microscopy.
  • STAGE is a shorthand for the develpmental stage, e.g. 6dpf for six days post fertilisation.
  • ID is a number that distinguishes individual animals of a given modality and stage or distinguishes different set-ups for averaging based modalities.
  • REGION is a shorthand for the region covered by the data, e.g. parapod for the parapodium or whole for the whole animal.

Table storage

Derived attributes are stored in csv tables, which must be associated with specific image data. The tables associated with a given image name must be stored in the sub-directory tables/image-name. If this directory exists, it must at least contain the file default.csv with spatial attributes of the objects in the image. If tables do not change between versions, they can be stored as relative soft-links to the old version.

Version updates

We provide three scripts to update the respective release types:

  • Create new version folder and update derived data.
  • Create new version folder and add new image data or derived data.
  • Create new version folder and add new modality. All three scripts take the path to a json file as argument, which encodes the data to update or to add.

For the json must contain a dictonary with the two keys segmentations and tables where each key maps to a list containing existing segmentation names. For names listed in segmentations, the segmentation AND corresponding tables (if present) will be updated. For tables, only the tables will be updated. The following example would trigger an update of the segmentation and tables for the cell segmentation and a table update for the nucleus segmentation:

{"segmentations": ["sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells"],
 "tables": ["sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-nuclei"]}

For and, the json must contain a dictionary mapping the names of new image data to their source files and viewer settings. See example_updates/ for some example json update files.

In addition, can be used to update data undergoing registration with a new registration transformation. It creates a new patch version folder and updates all relevant data.

We do not add any files to version control automatically. So after calling one of the update scripts, add the new version folder to git and make a release via git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "DESCRIPTION".


This repository also contains scripts that were used to generate most of the data for Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology. mmpb contains a small python library that bundles most of this functionality as well as helper functions for the version updates.


The folder segmentation contains the scripts used to generate segmentations for cells, nuclei and other tissue derived from the EM data with automated segmentation approaches.


The folder registration contains the transformations for different registration versions as well as the scripts to generate the transformations for a given version. You can use the script registration/ to apply a registration transformation to a new input file.


The folder analysis contains several scripts used for further data analyss, most notabbly cluster analysis based gene expression and cellular morphology.


We provide conda environments to run the python scripts. In order to install the main environment used to run the segmentation scripts and perform version updates, run

conda env create -f software/mmpb_environment.yaml
conda activate platybrowser
python install

To run the network training or prediction scripts a different environment is necessary, which can be installed via

conda env create -f software/train_environment.yaml
conda activate platybrowser-train
python install


If you use this resource, please cite Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology. If you use the segmentation or registration functionality, please also include the appropriate citations, see segmentation/ or registration/ for details. For the initial gene expression atlas generated by ProSPr, please cite Whole-organism cellular gene-expression atlas reveals conserved cell types in the ventral nerve cord of Platynereis dumerilii.

Contributing data

If you want to contribute data to this resource, please raise an issue about this in this repository or contact us at [email protected].