UDPLog is a system for emitting application log events via UDP and shipping them via RabbitMQ or Scribe for further processing. The idea is that the applications sends its structured log events to a dedicated shipping daemon on the same machine, which in turn passes it on to one or more remote services. As this uses UDP, emitting events is non-blocking fire-and-forget. An application like Logstash can then be used to process and store log events.
- simplejson
- Twisted (optional for Twisted logging support and requisite for the server-side shippers)
- txAMQP (for shipping to RabbitMQ)
- scribe (for shipping to Scribe)
- thrift (for shipping to Scribe)
To generate the documentation:
- docutils
- Sphinx
- pydoctor (including apilinks_sphinxext.py)
- epydoc
The code in this distribution started as an internal tool at Mochi Media and is made available under the MIT License. See the included LICENSE file for details.