Docker tooling to get the shop up and running for debugging purposes.
The shop is running OpenCart - the code is not included in the repository for copyright reasons. VQMod is used for extensions.
The expected code structure is:
➜ winkel git:(master) ✗ tree -L 3 .
├── code
│ └── winkel
│ ├── admin
│ ├── catalog
│ ├── config.php
│ ├── download
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── image
│ ├── images
│ ├── index.php
│ ├── php.ini
│ ├── ping.php
│ ├── system
│ ├── vendors
│ └── vqmod
├── config
│ ├── conf.d
│ │ ├── 20-curl.ini
│ │ ├── 20-gd.ini
│ │ ├── 20-mcrypt.ini
│ │ └── 20-mysql.ini
│ └── php.ini
├── Dockerfile
Make sure you have docker
Make sure you have a database server on the host - modify
if needed to use the Docker NAT address for the DB host -
Bring up the service:
$ docker-compose up