This concept is Deprecated for now since it limits cubit ability to only combine input streams. Better solutions is to exposes Sinks in cubits instead of Streams and let developer do necessary logic on them in order to produce cubit output.
Producer is an independent reacticve class which can accept multiple streams as input and produce new output whenever any of input stream gets new value.
Each producer overrides its produce
pure function to define how the output would be produced.
Producers know nothing about eachother, but they will connect to eachother by whoever instantiating them.
1. Before anything, think about the output you want to produce, what's the type of it. as an example, we want a counter which produce a single int
at any possible time. but its not like other counters which only adds to previous value. it can also multiply the value!
2. Then think about the required dependencies/inputs in order to produce that output. in our example, we can't say we need a single int, cause that wouldn't be enough for applying multiplication. instead we need a function which takes our value and do whatever it wants with it, then returning it!
typedef CounterLogic = int Function(int);
3. For the final action before coding, make sure there is a chance that your defined inputs would change in the life cycle of your app, cause otherwise all you need is a simple cubit, not a producer.
4. Create a model for your output, call it FooProducerOutput
and extend it from ProducerIO
class CounterProducerOutput extends ProducerIO {
int result;
required this.result,
5. Create a model for your inputs, call it FooProducerInput
and extend it from ProducerIO
. don't forget that the changing dependecies should be type of StreamValue<T>
(Its same as stream but also holds latest value):
class CounterProducerInput extends ProducerIO {
StreamValue<CounterLogic> logic;
required this.logic,
6. Create a FooProducer
class and extend it from Producer
. In our example we also need to pass initial output(state).
class CounterProducer
extends Producer<CounterProducerInput, CounterProducerOutput> {
CounterProducer(CounterProducerInput dependency)
: super(
initialOutput: CounterProducerOutput(result: 0),
7. Override required getStreamDependencies
function and pass all fields in FooProducerInput
which was type of StreamValue
List<StreamValue<Object>> getStreamDependencies() => [dependency.logic];
8. This is the main step. Override produce
function and define how the output would be produced based on inputs
and latest output
Future<CounterProducerOutput> produce(
CounterProducerInput input,
CounterProducerOutput? latestOutput,
) async {
final int currentResult = currentState?.result ?? 0;
final int Function(int) logic = await input.logic.value;
final int newResult = logic(currentResult);
if (newResult > 10) {
throw Exception('Value is more than 10');
return CounterProducerOutput(result: newResult);
9. Who can provide me the input?
In this example our input is a logic which comes from user at anygiven time and it can change, so we need to produce that as well!
we need another producer for producing the logic, but should we do all of these steps again? i say it depends. if we need some (changing)dependency in order to produce logic, then yes, but in this case, there is none. so our CounterLogicProducer
has no changing input. we have anther type of producers called IndependentProducer
which accepts no input, so lets extend out new producer from this abstract class.
luckily this class has nothing to override, so all you have to do is to create its class and its output model.
class CounterLogicProducerOutput extends ProducerIO {
CounterLogic logic;
required this.logic,
// Empty class
class CounterLogicProducer
extends IndependentProducer<CounterLogicProducerOutput> {}
10. How to connect producers? we can do that by a pure function which can be used anywhere in the app:
CounterProducer buildCounterSystem(
CounterLogicProducer counterLogicSystem,
) {
late final _counterLogicSystemStream = => event.logic);
return CounterProducer(CounterProducerInput(
logic: StreamValue(_counterLogicSystemStream),
11. Now we should provide these producers to our widget tree. since producers are also cubits, we can provide them using MultiBlocProvider
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
late final CounterLogicProducer _counterLogicProducer =
late final CounterProducer _counterProducer =
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
BlocProvider<CounterProducer>.value(value: _counterProducer),
BlocProvider<CounterLogicProducer>.value(value: _counterLogicProducer)
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: const MyHomePage(
title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page',
12. It's finaly the time to use them!
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
final String title;
const MyHomePage({
Key? key,
required this.title,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
const Text(
'You have pushed the button this many times:',
height: 35,
child: ProducerBuilder<CounterProducer, CounterProducerOutput>(
loadingBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
CounterProducerOutput? previousData,
) =>
const CircularProgressIndicator(),
successBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
CounterProducerOutput data,
) =>
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
errorBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
String error,
CounterProducerOutput? previousData,
) =>
floatingActionButton: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Row(
children: [
onPressed: () =>
// `produceManually` is a special function which only `IndependentProducer`s have. they have ability to emit output via this public method.
// Note that regular `Producer`s won't need this, as they will emit output themselves, when their input changes.<CounterLogicProducer>().produceManually(
CounterLogicProducerOutput(logic: _incrementByOneLogic),
tooltip: 'Increment by 1',
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () =><CounterLogicProducer>().produceManually(
CounterLogicProducerOutput(logic: _multiplyByTwoLogic),
tooltip: 'Multiply by 2',
child: const Icon(Icons.close),
int _incrementByOneLogic(int input) => input + 1;
int _multiplyByTwoLogic(int input) => input * 2;