fix(#2265): validating a mojaloop deployment as described in the documentation is failing (#309 )
Fixed markdown lint issues
Removed duplicated content from platform-specific deployment guides to main deployment guide
Updates to Troubleshooting
Removed non-applicable issues
Updates to existing issues to make them relevant around the NGinx Ingress controller version
Moved a development issue to the FAQ under the contribution guide
Updates to Mac, Linux & Window Setup guides
Fixed broken links to the main deployment guide
Removed Ingress Controller setup and moved that to the main guide (except for Linux which uses micok8s and has specific instructions)
Updated links/section to the applicable "official" documentation for installing components (snapd, microk8s, docker, etc)
Added "sudo" to Linux guide commands
Updated main deployment guide to reference official instructions on how to install
Ingress Controllers
Admin UI/ Interfaces (i.e. Kubernetes Dashboard, etc)
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