This library contains abstractions that may be useful in all custom plugins. It provides following features:
- Database migrations on plugin installation and update
- Shopware configuration migrations (soon)
- Custom attribute migrations
- Custom model migrations (soon)
Require the composer package in your plugin first:
composer require momocode/shopware-5-plugin-base
Add composer autoloader to plugin bootstrap class and let your plugin inherit the abstraction
namespace MyPlugin;
use Momocode\ShopwareBase\Plugin;
// Autload extra dependencies
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {}
To perform migrations on plugin installation and update, you can profit from the plugin
base file which autoloads the migration files on installation or update.
To use them you have to place your migration files in the Migration
folder of your plugin.
Here is an example for an attribute migration file inherited from the AbstractAttributeMigration
in the Migration/Attribute
folder in your plugin.
It is important that the file and class has the suffix "Migration" in the name.
The plugin base class will find this migration file and on plugin installation it will
create all attributes which are required for the installed version and on plugin update
it will create or update only the attributes for the new version.
namespace MomoMailjet\Migration\Attribute;
use Momocode\ShopwareBase\Migration\Attribute\AbstractAttributeMigration;
use Shopware\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Service\TypeMapping;
class UserMigration extends AbstractAttributeMigration
* Get table name
* @return string
public function getTableName()
return 's_user_attributes';
* Get column prefix
* @return string
protected function getColumnPrefix()
return 'momo_mailjet';
* Get default options for fields
* @return array
protected function getDefaultOptions()
return [
'displayInBackend' => true,
'custom' => false,
'position' => $this->getPosition(),
* Get attribute fields for this migration
* @return array
protected function getFields()
$fields = [];
$fields[] = [
'label' => 'Mailjet E-Mail',
return $fields;
This library provides an abstraction for emotion widgets. It encapsulates installation
and update routines. In the plugin base file Widgets are automatically installed and updated,
if they are in the folder Widgets
and if the file and class name ends with Widget
Here is an example of a widget class in your plugins Widgets
namespace MomoMailjet\Widgets;
use Momocode\ShopwareBase\Widget\AbstractWidget;
class MailjetBuiltInWidget extends AbstractWidget
* Name of the plugin the widget belongs to
* @return string
public function getPluginName()
return 'MomoMailjet';
* Name of the widget
* @return string
public function getWidgetName()
return 'Mailjet: Eingebautes Widget';
* XType to listen for
* @return string
public function getXType()
return 'emotion-components-mailjet-built-in-widget';
* Register javascript for the widget
* @return string
protected function getBackendJsPath()
return 'backend/emotion/mailjet_built_in_widget/bootstrap.js';
* Widget options
* @return array
public function getWidgetOptions()
return [
'template' => 'mailjet_built_in_widget', // must be created in widgets/emotion/components/
'cls' => 'emotion-mailjet-built-in-widget', // additional css class
'description' => 'Built-In Anmeldeformular', // Backend description
* List of fields
* @return array
public function getWidgetFields()
$fields = [];
$fields[] = [
'xtype' => 'textfield',
'name' => 'text',
'fieldLabel' => 'Simple text field',
'position' => 10,
'allowBlank' => true,
return $fields;
* Update widget on plugin update
* @param string $oldPluginVersion
* @throws \Exception
public function updateWidget($oldPluginVersion)
// TODO: Implement updateWidget() method.
* Enrich assign data array with data from the widget
* @param array $data
* @return array
protected function getTemplateData($data)
// TODO: Implement getTemplateData() method.
The defined fields in the getWidgetFields()
function are installed ...
The updateWidget()
function is called on plugin updates and there you can perform this
operations depending on the new plugin version:
Add your field to the getWidgetFields()
function and add this to the updateWidget()
function if you want to add the field for example in plugin version 1.0.1:
if (version_compare('1.0.1', $oldPluginVersion, '>')) {
Update your field in the getWidgetFields()
function and add this to the updateWidget()
function if you want to update the field for example in plugin version 1.0.1:
if (version_compare('1.0.1', $oldPluginVersion, '>')) {
Remove your field from the getWidgetFields()
function and add this to the updateWidget()
function if you want to remove the field for example in plugin version 1.0.1:
if (version_compare('1.0.1', $oldPluginVersion, '>')) {
We need to create the service definition and tag it as a subscriber so the widget can register the backend template and transform the frontend template data on request.
<service id="momo_mailjet.widgets.mailjet_built_in_widget"
<tag name="shopware.event_subscriber"/>
Now you need this three files in the path you defined in your widget class in the
//{block name="backend/emotion/view/detail/elements/base"}
//{include file='backend/emotion/mailjet_built_in_widget/Emotion.view.components.MailjetBuiltInWidget.js'}
//{include file='backend/emotion/mailjet_built_in_widget/Emotion.view.detail.elements.MailjetBuiltInWidget.js'}
Adds the other both files to the backend template.
//{block name="emotion_components/backend/mailjet_built_in_widget"}
Ext.define('Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.MailjetBuiltInWidget', {
extend: 'Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Base',
alias: 'widget.emotion-components-mailjet-built-in-widget'
In the alias the part after widget.
must be the same as you defined in your widget class
in the getXType()
//{namespace name=backend/plugins/momomailjet/emotion}
Ext.define('Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.detail.elements.MailjetBuiltInWidget', {
extend: 'Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.detail.elements.Base',
alias: 'widget.detail-element-emotion-components-mailjet-built-in-widget',
icon: '...',
compCls: 'emotion--mailjet-built-in-widget'
In the alias the part after widget.detail-element-
must be the same as you defined in your widget class
in the getXType()
On top of that you need a frontend template file for your widget in your theme or also
in your plugins views directory. It must be placed in the widgets/emotion/components
folder and named as you defined in the getWidgetOptions()
functions template
Here is an example:
At least you need a subscriber to register the view path of your plugin:
namespace MomoMailjet\Subscriber;
use Enlight\Event\SubscriberInterface;
use Enlight_Template_Manager;
class TemplateSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
* @var Enlight_Template_Manager
protected $templateManager;
* @var string
protected $pluginBaseDirectory;
* @param Enlight_Template_Manager $templateManager
* @param string $pluginBaseDirectory
public function __construct(Enlight_Template_Manager $templateManager, $pluginBaseDirectory)
$this->templateManager = $templateManager;
$this->pluginBaseDirectory = $pluginBaseDirectory;
* Use the early "Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch" event to register the template directory of the plugin.
* @inheritdoc
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch' => 'onPreDispatch',
'Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure_Backend_Emotion' => 'onPostDispatchBackendEmotion',
* On pre dispatch
* @param \Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args
public function onPreDispatch(\Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args)
$this->templateManager->addTemplateDir($this->pluginBaseDirectory . '/Resources/views');
* Register templates for custom designer components
* @param \Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args
public function onPostDispatchBackendEmotion(\Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args)
$controller = $args->getSubject();
$view = $controller->View();
if ($view) {
$view->addTemplateDir($this->pluginBaseDirectory . '/Resources/views/');
<service id="momo_mailjet.subscriber.template_subscriber" class="MomoMailjet\Subscriber\TemplateSubscriber">
<argument type="service" id="template" />
<tag name="shopware.event_subscriber"/>