AIM: Designing a Multi-Layer perceptron.
DATA STRUCTURES USED: Arrays FUNCTIONS DEFINED: readTraining()- to read training set and store it in inputs[ ][ ]. readTest()-to read test data set and store it in testInput[ ][ ]. generateRandom()- to generate random weights (inner to hidden,hidden to outer) and store it in innerW[ ][ ] and outerW[ ][ ]. train()-loops through all the inputs and stops the computation according to stopping criteria calculateOutput()-generates Zk values and stores it in finalAnswer[ ]. updateError()- calculates error values . updateWeights()- distributes errors and updates all weights accordingly. test()- classifies the test inputs according to the weights generated by training set. classifyClass()-finds maximum of all outputs generated and returns the class in which it belongs to. ALGORITHM: FOR UPDATION OF WEIGHTS: ->scan the training set ->calculate output(Zk) values
->using these output values , calculate error i.e., (Tk-Zk) ->distribute errors and update weights. ->from outer to hidden ->from hidden to input
FOR TEST INPUT: ->pass the test input into the gk() to get output values. ->using these output values find the max among them and classify them. CONCLUSION: Cross entropy loss function is better than mean square error. Conclusion drawn by comparing the accuracies of both the functions.