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This repository corresponds with the pokemon and mongo (get it) demo done at Trino Summit 11/10.

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This repository corresponds with the pokemon and mongo (get it?) demo done at Trino Summit 11/10/2022. If you want more in depth information on setup details, please reach out to me. I'd love to send you more information to help you get started and answer any questions. To federate my data sources, my MongoDB AWS region is the same as my AWS S3 region, US East (N Virginia). Naming will be important throughout the tutorial, so make sure you remember your names for you S3 bucket, your catalogs, and your schemas.

Pokemon(go) for the win

Hello fellow data friends. Welcome to this repository. The purpose of this tutorial is to showcase the benefits of using Trino to create a data lakehouse architecture within your data lake. We're using Starburst Galaxy because it's the easiest way to try out Trino. What we will do is query data from MongoDB and S3, create a reporting structure within our data lake, and then use the consume layer in our reporting structure to create our Thoughtspot dashboard.

In this scenario, we’re going to query Pokemon pokedex data from MongoDB and ingest Pokemon Go spawn location data which lands as raw CSV files in our data lake. We then use Starburst Galaxy to read the data from the landing files, clean up, and optimize that raw data into more performant ORC files in the structure tables. The last step is to join and transform the spawn data and pokedex data into a single table that is cleaned and ready to be utilized by a data analyst, data scientist, or other data consumer. I then want to put on my data analyst hat and do some visualizations to analyze the common types of pokemon that spawn in San Francisco.

Trino Summit Data Lakehouse Architecture (1)

Add Pokedex to MongoDB

In this scenario, MongoDB holds the pokedex data. So it holds all the information on the Pokemon such as it's unique number, it's Type 1, Type 2, Abilities, Experience Type, Mega Evolution status, and much more. To query this data, first insert this data into MongoDB. I'm using Atlas.

  1. Download the pokedex file from the repository.
  2. Create a MongoDB Atlas account.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up your Atlas account. I used Compass as a way to view my data.
  4. Upload the pokedex CSV to MongoDB.

Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 9 59 22 PM

Add Pokemon Go data to S3

We are imagining that our Pokemon Go data is getting streamed into our data lake. For the purpose of this repo, we are using the CSV file as a snapshot in our stream that we can manually upload to our data lake ourselves.

  1. Create a S3 bucket with a descriptive name such as pokemon-demo . It would be best to add an initial identifier to the bucket such as pokemon-demo-mm. This will be used throughout the entire tutorial, so make sure you are aware of your S3 bucket name and accurately replace it where appropriate. Use all the defaults.

  2. Download the CSV containing the Pokemon Go data.

  3. Create three subfolders.

    • The first subfolder should hold the CSV containing the Pokemon Go data. Suggested name: pokemon_spawns_csv.
    • The second one should hold the Hive landing table that make up the land layer. Suggested name pokemon-hive.
    • The third one should hold the Iceberg tables that make up the structure and the consume layers. Suggested name: pokemon-iceberg.
  4. Upload the Pokemon Spawns CSV into the corresponding folder example path:s3://pokemon-demo/pokemon-spawns-csv/pokemon-spawns.csv

  5. Create an AWS access key that will be used as the authentication method for connecting from Starburst Galaxy to S3

    • Go to the IAM Management Console
    • Select Users
    • Select Add Users
    • Provide a Descriptive User Name like <username>-aws-pokemon
    • Select AWS Credential Type: Access key - Programmatic access
    • Set Permissions: Attach existing policies directly
    • Add the following policy: AmazonS3FullAccess
  6. Finish creating the access key with the rest of the defaults, and then save your AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key.

Create a Starburst Galaxy account

  1. Navigate to the Starburst Galaxy login page.

  2. If you already don't have an account, create a new one and verify the account with your email.

Create Starburst Galaxy Catalogs

For this portion, I will be letting Starburst Galaxy do the metastore configurations for me. You also have the option to use Glue or Hive, which I have also done in the past.

  1. Navigate to the Catalogs tab. Click Configure a Catalog.

  2. Create an S3 Catalog.

    • Catalog name: aws_pokemon or your pokemon of choice
    • Add a relevant description
    • Authenticate to S3 through the AWS Access Key/Secret Key created earlier
    • Metastore type: Starburst Galaxy
    • Default S3 bucket name: Enter the bucket you previously created. Example: pokemon-demo
    • Default directory name: Enter your selected default directory name. Example: squirtle
    • Enable Allow creating external tables
    • Enable Allow writing to external tables
    • Select default table format: Iceberg
    • Hit Test connection
    • Hit Connect catalog
    • Hit Save access controls on the Set Permissions page
    • Select Skip on the Add to cluster page

For more help configuring your AWS catalog, visit the documentation.

3.Create a MongoDB Catalog.

  • Catalog name: mongo_pokedex
  • Add a relevant description
  • Authenticate to MongoDB using either a direct connection or via SSH tunnel. NOTE: If you have any special characters in your password, those may need to be coded properly. Using MongoDB Atlas and Compass, you can authenticate directly though your connection URL.

For more help configuring your MongoDB catalog, visit the documentation.

Create a Starburst Galaxy Cluster

  1. Navigate to the Clusters pane.
  2. Click Create a new cluster
    • Enter cluster name: pokemon-cluster
    • Catalogs: aws_pokemon & mongo_pokedex (select the catalogs previously created)
    • Cluster size: Free
    • Cluster type: Standard
    • Cloud provider region: US East (N Virginia) aka us-east-1
    • Hit Create cluster

That cluster will start up and once we add the necessary permissions and the status changes to Running we will be ready to query! Navigate to the Access control tab to get started.

Add necessary admin permissions

  1. Navigate to the Access control tab. Select Roles and privileges
  2. Click into the highlighted accountadmin role
  3. Select Privileges
  4. Hit Add privilege
    • Modify privileges for: Location
    • Enter the S3 URI for your bucket. Add a /* after the location, this will allow you to access all the subfolders you created within that location. EX:s3://pokemon-demo/*

You are set up to get started! Navigate to the Query editor tab.

Navigate the query editor

Select the cluster you created in the top right corner. If named like above, select pokemon-cluster. Select your AWS catalog as the default catalog. If named like above, select aws_pokemon .

Create the land layer in the reporting structure

To create the land layer, you will first create a schema. Then we will create the raw table from the CSV in S3.

  1. Create the land schema in the pokemon hive bucket. CREATE SCHEMA hive WITH (location = 's3://<AWS_BUCKET>/pokemon-hive/') example: CREATE SCHEMA hive WITH (location = 's3://pokemon-demo/pokemon-hive/')
  2. Create the landing table for the pokemon spawns. The external location should point to the location of your uploaded CSV file.

Update the CREATE TABLE statement to properly account for your own cluster, catalog, and external location.

 CREATE TABLE aws_pokemon.hive.pokemon_spawns(
 "s2_id" VARCHAR,
 "s2_token" VARCHAR,
 "num" VARCHAR,
 "name" VARCHAR,
 "lat" VARCHAR,
 "long" VARCHAR,
 "encounter_ms" VARCHAR,
 "disappear_ms" VARCHAR
 type = 'HIVE',
 format = 'CSV',
 external_location = 's3://<S3 BUCKET NAME>/<CSV LOCATION>/',


CREATE TABLE aws_pokemon.hive.pokemon_spawns(
 "s2_id" VARCHAR,
 "s2_token" VARCHAR,
 "num" VARCHAR,
 "name" VARCHAR,
 "lat" VARCHAR,
 "long" VARCHAR,
 "encounter_ms" VARCHAR,
 "disappear_ms" VARCHAR
 type = 'HIVE',
 format = 'CSV',
 external_location = 's3://pokemon-demo/pokemon-spawns-csv/',

Select from your table to validate that it's querying the right information.

SELECT * FROM aws_pokemon.hive.pokemon_spawns LIMIT 10;

Create the structure table in the reporting structure

We will create the structure table in all Iceberg format. Since the pokedex table is a dimension table containing pokemon attributes, I didn't feel the need to copy it over into the land table. We will just build from here.

  1. Create the structure schema in the pokemon structure bucket. CREATE SCHEMA iceberg WITH (location = 's3://<AWS_BUCKET>/pokemon-iceberg/') example: CREATE SCHEMA iceberg WITH (location = 's3://pokemon-demo/pokemon-iceberg/')
  2. Create the structure table for the pokemon go spawn data stored in S3. If you named your catalog differently than the example, replace appropriately.
CREATE TABLE aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_spawns
  format = 'ORC'
) AS
  CAST(num AS INTEGER) AS number,
  CAST(lat AS DOUBLE) AS lat,
  CAST(long AS DOUBLE) AS long,
  CAST(encounter_ms AS BIGINT) AS encounter_ms,
  CAST(disappear_ms AS BIGINT) AS disappear_ms
FROM aws_pokemon.hive.pokemon_spawns;

Select from your table to validate.

SELECT * FROM aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_spawns LIMIT 10;
  1. Create the structure table for the pokemon pokedex data stored in MongoDB. Make sure you appropriately replace your FROM location with the <starburst-galaxy-catalog>.<mongodb-database>.<mongodb-collection> appropriate for your setup.
CREATE TABLE aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_pokedex
  format = 'ORC'
) AS
  CAST(number AS INTEGER) AS number,
  "Type 1" AS type1,
  "Type 2" AS type2,
  CAST(json_parse(replace(replace(Abilities, '''s', 's'), '''', '"')) AS ARRAY(VARCHAR)) AS abilities,
  CAST(att AS INTEGER) AS att,
  CAST(def AS INTEGER) AS def,
  CAST(spa AS INTEGER) AS spa,
  CAST(spd AS INTEGER) AS spd,
  CAST(spe AS INTEGER) AS spe,
  CAST(bst AS INTEGER) AS bst,
  CAST(mean AS DOUBLE) AS mean,
  CAST("Standard Deviation" AS DOUBLE) AS std_dev,
  CAST(generation AS DOUBLE) AS generation,
  "Experience type" AS experience_type,
  CAST("Experience to level 100" AS BIGINT) AS experience_to_lvl_100,
  CAST(CAST("Final Evolution" AS DOUBLE) AS BOOLEAN) AS final_evolution,
  CAST("Catch Rate" AS INTEGER) AS catch_rate,
  CAST(CAST("Legendary" AS DOUBLE) AS BOOLEAN) AS legendary,
  CAST(CAST("Mega Evolution" AS DOUBLE) AS BOOLEAN) AS mega_evolution,
  CAST(CAST("Alolan Form" AS DOUBLE) AS BOOLEAN) AS alolan_form,
  CAST(CAST("Galarian Form" AS DOUBLE) AS BOOLEAN) AS galarian_form,
  CAST("Against Normal" AS DOUBLE) AS against_normal,
  CAST("Against Fire" AS DOUBLE) AS against_fire,
  CAST("Against Water" AS DOUBLE) AS against_water,
  CAST("Against Electric" AS DOUBLE) AS against_electric,
  CAST("Against Grass" AS DOUBLE) AS against_grass,
  CAST("Against Ice" AS DOUBLE) AS against_ice,
  CAST("Against Fighting" AS DOUBLE) AS against_fighting,
  CAST("Against Poison" AS DOUBLE) AS against_poison,
  CAST("Against Ground" AS DOUBLE) AS against_ground,
  CAST("Against Flying" AS DOUBLE) AS against_flying,
  CAST("Against Psychic" AS DOUBLE) AS against_psychic,
  CAST("Against Bug" AS DOUBLE) AS against_bug,
  CAST("Against Rock" AS DOUBLE) AS against_rock,
  CAST("Against Ghost" AS DOUBLE) AS against_ghost,
  CAST("Against Dragon" AS DOUBLE) AS against_dragon,
  CAST("Against Dark" AS DOUBLE) AS against_dark,
  CAST("Against Steel" AS DOUBLE) AS against_steel,
  CAST("Against Fairy" AS DOUBLE) AS against_fairy,
  CAST("Height" AS DOUBLE) AS height,
  CAST("Weight" AS DOUBLE) AS weight,
FROM mongo_pokedex.pokemongo.pokedex;

Select from your table to validate.

SELECT * FROM aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_pokedex LIMIT 10;

Create the consume table in the reporting structure

Create the consume table. This will combine the Type 1, Type 2, and Mega Evolution status from the pokedex for each pokemon found in the pokemon spawn data. We are only looking for pokemon within the San Fransisco Bay Area, so we will restrain the latitude and longitude to do so.

Make sure if you have a different naming convention for your catalogs and schemas, you change the sql statement to appropriately match it.

CREATE TABLE aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_spawns_by_type AS
SELECT s.*, p.type1, p.type2, p.legendary
FROM  aws_ketchum.iceberg_pokemon.pokemon_pokedex p 
 JOIN aws_ketchum.iceberg_pokemon.pokemon_spawns s 
 ON p.number = s.number and p.mega_evolution = FALSE
 WHERE lat >= 37.62 and lat <= 37.86
AND long >= -122.51 and long <= -122.12;

Validate the table has pulled the data correctly.

SELECT * FROM aws_pokemon.iceberg.pokemon_spawns_by_type ORDER BY long desc LIMIT 10;

Build a dashboard on ThoughtSpot

I've downloaded the code to make this liveboard, it's in the github repository under the ThoughtSpot folder. If you want to recreate this yourself and are having trouble, please reach out as I'm happy to help.


This repository corresponds with the pokemon and mongo (get it) demo done at Trino Summit 11/10.






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