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TorchBringer is an open-source framework that provides a simple interface for operating with pre-implemented deep reinforcement learning algorithms built on top of PyTorch. The interfaces provided can be used to operate deep RL agents either locally or remotely via gRPC. Currently, TorchBringer supports the following algorithms

  • DQN


To install TorchBringer, run

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install torchbringer


Here's a simple project for running a TorchBringer agent on gymnasium's Cartpole environment.

import gymnasium as gym
from itertools import count
import torch
from torchbringer.servers.torchbringer_agent import TorchBringerAgent

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
state, info = env.reset()

config = {
    # Check the reference section to understand config formatting

dqn = TorchBringerAgent()
steps_done = 0

num_episodes = 600
for i_episode in range(num_episodes):
    state, info = env.reset()
    reward = torch.tensor([0.0], device=device)
    terminal = False
    state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32, device=device).unsqueeze(0)
    for t in count():
        observation, reward, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(dqn.step(state, reward, terminal).item())
        state = None if terminated else torch.tensor(observation, dtype=torch.float32, device=device).unsqueeze(0) 
        reward = torch.tensor([reward], device=device)
        terminal = terminated or truncated

        if terminal:
            dqn.step(state, reward, terminal)


To start a TorchBringer server on a particular port, run

python -m torchbringer.servers.grpc.torchbringer_grpc_server <PORT> # For gRPC
flask --app torchbringer.servers.flask.torchbringer_flask_server run -p <PORT> # For flask
python -m torchbringer.servers.socket.torchbringer_socket_server <PORT> # For socket

You can communicate with this server by using the provided Python client (see below) or develop a client of your own from the files found in torchbringer/servers/grpc in this repo to communicate with the server from applications built with different programming languages.

from torchbringer.servers.grpc.torchbringer_grpc_client import TorchBringerGRPCAgentClient

Reference provides a simple example of TorchBringer being used on gymnasium's CartPole-v1 envinronment. provides an example of how to use the gRPC interface to learn remotely.

The main class that is used in this framework is TorchBringerAgent, implemented in servers/. The gRPC server has an interface very similar to it.


Method Parameters Explanation
initialize() config: dict Initializes the agent according to the config. Read the config section for information on formatting
step() state: Tensor, reward: Tensor, terminal: bool Performs an optimization step and returns the selected action for this

REST interface

Note that there is a client implemented in servers/grpc/ that has the exact same interface as TorchBringerAgent. This reference is mostly meant for building clients in other programming languages.

Method Parameters Explanation
initialize config: string Accepts a serialized config dict
step state: list[float], reward: float, terminal: bool State should be given as a flattened matrix, action is returned the same way

gRPC interface

Note that there is a client implemented in servers/grpc/ that has the exact same interface as TorchBringerAgent. This reference is mostly meant for building clients in other programming languages.

Method Parameters Explanation
initialize() config: string Accepts a serialized config dict
step() state: Matrix(dimensions list[int], value: list[float]), reward: float, terminal: bool State should be given as a flattened matrix, action is returned the same way

Socket interface

Note that there is a client implemented in servers/socket/ that has the exact same interface as TorchBringerAgent. This reference is mostly meant for building clients in other programming languages.

Servers expect to receive a JSON string containing the field "method" for specifying the method by name as well as other parameters depending on the method. After being called, server will return a response in the form of another JSON string

Method Parameters Explanation Returns
"initialize" config: JSON object Accepts a serialized config dict Information in the form {"info": string}
step() state: list, reward: float, terminal: bool The current percept from which to act The action to take in the form {"action": list}

Config formatting

The config file is a dictionary that specifies the behavior of the agent. The RL implementation is specified by the value of the key "type". It also accepts a variety of other arguments depending on the imeplementation type.

Currently supported implementations are dqn.

The following specify the arguments allowed by each implementation type.


General config options used for all TorchBriger agents

Argument Explanation
"run_name": string If given, will track episode reward and average loss through Aim for this run
"save_every_steps": int If given, will save the agent every given steps
"save_path": string Will save the agent with the given path (starting from checkpoints/)
"load_path": string If given, will try loading agent from given path (starting from checkpoints/)


Argument Explanation
"action_space": dict The gym Space that represents the action space of the environment. Read the Space table on Other specifications
"gamma": float Value of gamma
"tau": float = 1.0 Value of tau
"target_network_update_frequency": int = 1 Steps before updating target network based on tau
"epsilon": dict The epsilon. Read the Epsilon table on Other specifications
"batch_size": int Batch size
"grad_clip_value": float Value to clip gradient. No clipping if not specified
"loss": dict The loss. Read the Loss section on Other specifications
"optimizer": dict The optimizer. Read the Optimizer section on Other specifications
"replay_buffer_size": int Capacity of the replay buffer
"network": list[dict] list of layer specs for the neural network. Read the Layers section on Other specifications

Other specifications

These are specifications for dictionaries that are used in the specification of learners. They each have an argument "type" and a corresponding class or function. In the case of classes, all of its initializing parameters can be passed as arguments in this dictionary. When specific arguments are expected, they will be made explicit.


Type Class
discrete gym.spaces.Discrete


You can read components/ to see how each of these are implemented

Type Arguments Explanation
exp_decrease "start": float, "end": float, "steps_to_end": int Decreases the epsilon exponentially over time.


Type Function
smooth_l1_loss torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss
mseloss nn.MSELoss


Type Class
adamw torch.optim.AdamW
rmsprop optim.RMSprop


Type Function
linear torch.nn.Linear
relu torch.nn.ReLU

Example config

config = {
    "type": "dqn",
    "action_space": {
        "type": "discrete",
        "n": 2
    "gamma": 0.99,
    "tau": 0.005,
    "epsilon": {
        "type": "exp_decrease",
        "start": 0.9,
        "end": 0.05,
        "steps_to_end": 1000
    "batch_size": 128,
    "grad_clip_value": 100,
    "loss": "smooth_l1_loss",
    "optimizer": {
        "type": "adamw",
        "lr": 1e-4, 
        "amsgrad": True
    "replay_buffer_size": 10000,
    "network": [
            "type": "linear",
            "in_features": int(n_observations),
            "out_features": 128,
        {"type": "relu"},
            "type": "linear",
            "in_features": 128,
            "out_features": 128,
        {"type": "relu"},
            "type": "linear",
            "in_features": 128,
            "out_features": int(n_actions),


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