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Moritz Tim W edited this page Nov 24, 2023 · 17 revisions

Godot Form Plugin


  • Godot 4.1 or higher

Godot 4.0 might work, but is not tested.

Quick Start

Get a form up and running in 10 steps.

Installing the plugin

  1. Install the plugin from the Asset Library tab in Godot or from the Asset Library Page or by following the Installation instructions.

Creating the structure

  1. Add a Form to your scene.
  2. Add a Container of your choice as a child of the Form to hold the form elements.
  3. For each form element, add a FormLabel and any input Control.
  4. Finally, add a Submit button.

Hooking everything up

  1. In the inspector of your Form, set the Submit Button property to your Submit button.
  2. In the inspector of each element, point the input_path property to the corresponding Control node.

Configuring the form

  1. In the inspector of your Form, choose and set up a Protocol. Currently supported protocols are:

Of course, you can also implement your own protocol by extending the Protocol class or any of its descendants.

  1. In the inspector of each FormLabel, set the input_required property if needed.
  2. In the inspector of each input Control, set and configure the Validator property with rules.