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Curb Data Specification: Events API

CDS Events Icon

The Events API is a REST API allowing real-time and historic events at the curb to be sent to cities, and the ability to check on the status of any sensors. Events can come from company data feeds, on street sensors, session payments, company check-ins, in-person parking personnel, and/or other city data sources. Data sent in the Events API can be connected to the Curbs API over time and space, and events are used for calculations in the Metrics API.

See other CDS APIs on the homepage.


There are two different endpoints that are part of the Events API:

  • A Curb Event is an activity that occurs near, at, or within a pre-defined curb area. Defining events is required as part of the Events API.
  • A Status is the current status of a curb monitoring source. Event status is optional.

See examples for these endpoints.

Table of Contents

REST Endpoints

All endpoints return a JSON object containing the fields as specified in the REST Endpoint details.



Authorization is required for all of the Events endpoints, since depending on implementation, use cases, and fields required it may contain information only city transporation agencies should have access to.


Query Event

Endpoint: /events/events
Method: GET
data Payload: a JSON object with the following fields:

This endpoint must be implemented by every Events API server.

Query Parameters

All query parameters are optional.

Name Type Description
curb_area_id UUID The ID of a Curb Area. If specified, only return events occurring within this area.
curb_zone_id UUID The ID of a Curb Zone. If specified, only return events occurring within this zone.
curb_space_id UUID The ID of a Curb Space. If specified, only return events occurring within this space.


Query Status

Endpoint: /events/status
Method: GET
data Payload: a JSON object with a status field containing an array of Status objects.

Optional endpoint; if not implemented, the server should reply with 501 Not Implemented.

Query Parameters

All query parameters are optional.

Name Type Description
curb_area_id UUID The ID of a Curb Area. If specified, only return sensor statuses within this area.
curb_zone_id UUID The ID of a Curb Zone. If specified, only return sensor statuses within this zone.
curb_space_id UUID The ID of a Curb Space. If specified, only return sensor statuses within this space.


Data Objects

Curb Event

A Curb Event is a record of activity that happens within the geographic bounds of a Curbs object.

A Curb Event is represented as a JSON object, whose fields are as follows:

Name Type Required/Optional Description
event_id UUID Required The globally unique identifier of the event that occurred.
event_type Event Type Required The event_type that happened for this event.
event_purpose Event Purpose Conditionally Required General curb usage purpose that the vehicle performed during the event. Required for sources capable of determining activity type for relevant event_types.
event_location GeoJSON Required The geographic point location where the event occurred.
event_time Timestamp Required Time at which the event occurred.
event_publication_time Timestamp Required Time at which the event became available for consumption by this API.
event_session_id UUID Optional May be provided to tie known connected park_start and park_end event types together by a unique session ID. If not confident of being able to determine a park_end event at some time after park_start is recorded (i.e., you cannot detect when a vehicle departs), then do not use session_id. This field may be most useful to payment companies who provide their source data as sessions (typical for transaction data). Note also: the use of the term "session" across CDS means the start and end of curb usage of a vehicle, not necessarily a financial or payment session or transaction.
curb_zone_id UUID Conditionally Required Unique ID of the Curb Zone where the event occurred. Required for events that occurred at a known Curb Zone for ALL event_types.
curb_area_ids Array of UUID Conditionally Required Unique IDs of the Curb Area where the event occurred. Since Curb Areas can overlap, an event may happen in more than one. Required for events that occurred in a known Curb Area, if known and used, for these event_types: enter_area, exit_area, park_start, park_end
curb_space_id UUID Conditionally Required Unique ID of the Curb Space where the event occurred. Required for events that occurred at a known Curb Space, if known and used, for these event_types: park_start, park_end, enter_area, exit_area
data_source_type Enum Source Type Required General category of the source creating the event.
data_source_operator_id UUID Conditionally Required Unique identifier of the entity responsible for operating the event data source. IDs can identify the fleet operator sending a data feed, or the organization (company or city) operating the sensor. IDs for fleet operators are required and global and come from the data_source_operators.csv file, and optional for others. Read our How to Get a Data Source Operator ID guide. An agency at their discretion may allow a small, local company to simply provide a consistent data_source_operator_name string instead of this field, otherwise this field is required.
data_source_operator_name String Optional Name of the provider responsible for operating the vehicle, device, or sensor at the time of the event. May be sent along with data_source_operator_id or on its own for small operators at the discretion of the city.
data_source_device_id UUID Required Unique identifier of this event source, whether sensor, vehicle, camera, etc. Allows agencies to connect related Events as they are recorded by the same source. If coming from a provider, this is a generated UUID they use and not the same as the external vehicle_id. If this field is needed for your use cases, review our Privacy Guidance.
data_source_manufacturer String Optional Manufacturer of the data source hardware or vehicle reporting event data.
data_source_model String Optional Model of the data source hardware or vehicle reporting event data.
sensor_status_is_commissioned Boolean Optional If a sensor was used to capture this event, the commissioned status at the time that the event was reported. Indicates whether the sensor is currently in a state where it should be reporting data.
sensor_status_is_online Boolean Optional If a sensor was used to capture this event, the online status at the time that the event was reported. Indicates whether the sensor is currently online and reporting data.
vehicle_id String Optional A vehicle identifier visible externally on the vehicle itself. If this field is needed for your use cases, review our Privacy Guidance.
vehicle_license_plate String Optional The consistently placed vehicle license plate, usable by ALPR systems, when required for curb use. This field is potentially sensitive (depending on local, state, and national laws) and a data privacy framework is recommended for collecting, retention, deletion, obfuscation, and security. If this field is needed for your use cases, review our Privacy Guidance.
vehicle_permit_number String Optional If applicable, the assigned permit number for this vehicle from the city agency.
vehicle_length Integer Conditionally Required Approximate length of the vehicle that performed the event, in centimeters. Required for sources capable of determining vehicle length.
vehicle_type Vehicle Type Conditionally Required Type of the vehicle that performed the event. Required for sources capable of determining vehicle type.
vehicle_propulsion_types Array of Propulsion Type Conditionally Required List of propulsion types used by the vehicle that performed the event. Required for sources capable of determining vehicle propulsion type.
vehicle_blocked_lane_types Array of Lane Type Conditionally Required Type(s) of lane blocked by the vehicle performing the event. If no lanes are blocked by the vehicle performing the event, the array should be empty. Required for sources capable of determining it for the following event_types: park_start
curb_occupants Array of Curb Occupant Conditionally Required Current occupants of the Curb Zone. If the sensor is capable of identifying the linear location of the vehicle, then elements are sorted in ascending order according to the start property of the linear reference. Otherwise, elements appear in no particular order. Required for sources capable of determining it for the following event_types: park_start, park_end, scheduled_report
actual_cost Integer Optional If available from the source, the actual cost, in the currency defined in currency, paid by the curb user for this event. The currency type is sent in with the REST Endpoints JSON object. All costs should be given as integers in the currency's smallest unit. As an example, to represent $1 USD, specify an amount of 100 (for 100 cents).


Event Type

Curb Event Type event_type enumerates the set of possible types of Curb Event. The values that it can assume are listed below:

Name Description
comms_lost communications with the event source were lost
comms_restored communications with the event source were restored
decommissioned event source was decommissioned
park_start a vehicle stopped, parked, or double parked
park_end a parked vehicle leaving a parked or stopped state and resuming movement
scheduled_report event source reported status at a scheduled interval
enter_area vehicle enters the relevant geographic area
exit_area vehicle exits the relevant geographic area


Source Type

Curb Data Source Type data_source_type enumerates the set of possible categories of sources that are sending this event. The values that it can assume are listed below:

Name Description
data_feed directly from a provider data feed sent to the agency
camera video or static image processing source
above_ground sensor deployed above ground
in_ground sensor deployed in the ground
meter a smart parking meter
payment from payment system or app
in_person an individual on site recording the event digitally or otherwise
other sources not enumerated above


Vehicle Type

Type of vehicle vehicle_type similar to vehicle_type in MDS. For this CDS release the list will be developed independently here to accommodate CDS and MDS use cases, while still aligning to the MDS design principles. In the next major MDS 2.0 release and next CDS release, alignment between CDS and MDS vehicle types can occur.

Name Description
bicycle A two-wheeled mobility device intended for personal transportation that can be operated via pedals, with or without a motorized assist (includes e-bikes, recumbents, and tandems)
cargo_bicycle A two- or three-wheeled bicycle intended for transporting larger, heavier cargo than a standard bicycle (such as goods or passengers), with or without motorized assist (includes bakfiets/front-loaders, cargo trikes, and long-tails)
car A passenger car or similar light-duty vehicle
scooter A standing or seated fully-motorized mobility device intended for one rider, capable of travel at low or moderate speeds, and suited for operation in infrastructure shared with motorized bicycles
moped A seated fully-motorized mobility device capable of travel at moderate or high speeds and suited for operation in general urban traffic
motorcycle A seated mobility device capable of travel at high speeds and suited for operation in general urban traffic or expressways
truck A light or heavy duty 4 wheeled truck
van A van with significant interior cargo space
freight A large delivery truck with attached cab
other A device that does not fit in the other categories
unspecified Unspecified


Propulsion Type

Propulsion type vehicle_propulsion_types of the vehicle, similar to propulsion_type in MDS. For this CDS release the list will be developed independently here to accommodate CDS and MDS use cases, while still aligning to the MDS design principles. In the next major MDS 2.0 release and next CDS release, alignment between CDS and MDS propulsion types can occur.

Name Description
human Pedal or foot propulsion
electric_assist Provides power only alongside human propulsion
electric Contains throttle mode with a battery-powered motor
combustion Contains throttle mode with a gas engine-powered motor

A vehicle may have one or more values from the vehicle_propulsion_types, depending on the number of modes of operation. For example, a scooter that can be powered by foot or by electric motor would have the vehicle_propulsion_types represented by the array ["human", "electric"]. A bicycle with pedal-assist would have the vehicle_propulsion_types represented by the array ["human", "electric_assist"] if it can also be operated as a traditional bicycle. A hybrid vehicle may use ["combustion", "electric"].


Event Purpose

General event purpose event_purpose that the vehicle performed during its event, discernible by observation, sensors, or self-reported in company data feeds. New event purposes MAY be generated to reflect local curb uses, but when possible, the following well-known recommended values should be used. It may not always be knowable, but where it is possible this information should be conveyed. If multiple purposes apply, then use the more descriptive/specific value.

Name Description
construction Construction of hard assets including buildings and roadside infrastructure
delivery General delivery of parcels, goods, freight
emergency_use Includes ambulance, fire truck, police
parking Vehicle parking, charging, or stopping
passenger_transport Picking up and/or dropping off of human passengers
special_events Includes unloading equipment for concerts, theatre, street events
waste_management Retrieval/disposal of waste
device_maintenance Includes scooter pickup, drop off, battery swapping
autonomous Autonomous vehicle use
ems Emergency medical vehicle use
fire Emergency fire vehicle
food_delivery Delivery of food items ready for consumption to an end consumer
parcel_delivery Delivery of parcels, including bulk food goods to a restaurant or other business
police Use by a police vehicle
public_transit Includes large or small buses or paratransit.
ride_hail Includes privately run ride hailing services
road_maintenance Includes pothole patching, striping, snow plowing, street sweeping
service_vehicles Includes private sector activity like some utilities
taxi Traditionaly licensed taxi services
utility_work Includes public sector activity like sewer, water, telecoms
vehicle_charging Parking for electric vehicles to charge
vehicle_parking Includes private or commercial vehicle free or paid/metered parking
vending Mobile vending or food truck curb uses
unspecified Unknown or unspecified activity type


Lane Type

Type(s) of lane used or blocked vehicle_blocked_lane_types by the vehicle performing the event, outside of curb zones. E.g., double parking.

Name Description
travel_lane A standard vehicle travel lane.
turn_lane A dedicated turn lane.
bike_lane A lane dedicated for usage by cyclists.
bus_lane A lane dedicated for usage by buses.
parking A lane used for parking, not allowed for travel.
shoulder A portion of the roadway that is outside (either right or left) of the main travel lanes. A shoulder can have many uses but is not intended for general traffic.
median An often unpaved, non-drivable area that separates sections of the roadway.
sidewalk A path for pedestrians, usually on the side of the roadway.
unspecified Unspecified


Curb Occupants

A Curb Occupant curb_occupants object represents a specific vehicle’s occupancy in a curb region at a specific point in time. Curb Occupant objects contain the following fields:

Name Type Required/Optional Description
type Vehicle Type Required The vehicle type of the occupant. When the event source is not capable of distinguishing vehicle type, this property must take the value "unspecified".
length Float Conditionally required The approximate length in centimeters of the vehicle. Required when the event source is capable of determining vehicle length.
linear_location Array of Float Conditionally required A two-element array that specifies the start and end of the occupant’s linear location relative to the start of the Curb Zone in that order. Required when the event source is capable of determining the linear location of occupants.



The Curb Status is the current status of sensors that are monitoring curb places.

A Curb Status is represented as a JSON object array of all deployed sensors, whose fields are as follows:

Name Type Required/Optional Description
data_source_device_id UUID Required Unique identifier of this event source, whether sensor, vehicle, camera, etc.
data_source_type Enum Source Type Required General category of the source creating the event.
data_source_operator_id UUID Conditionally Required Unique identifier of the entity responsible for operating the event data source. Can be global from data_source_operators.csv or defined per city.
sensor_status_is_commissioned Boolean Optional If a sensor was used to capture this event, the commissioned status at the time that the event was reported. Indicates whether the sensor is currently in a state where it should be reporting data.
sensor_status_is_online Boolean Optional If a sensor was used to capture this event, the online status at the time that the event was reported. Indicates whether the sensor is currently online and reporting data.



See a series of CDS Events endpoint examples to use as templates.
