This folder contains the results obtained by using newly introduced Coupled Cluster-Inspired flexible Geminal Wavefunctions based methods using STO-6G basis set for following molecular systems.
1. (H2)2
Planar models:
- H4 (Trapezoidal)
- P4 (Rectangular)
- D4 (Linear)
- S4 (Square)
Nonplanar models:
- T4
- V4
2. BeH2: Perpendicular C2v insertion of Be into H2
3. H8 Linear Chain
4. H8 Cube
5. H10
- Chain
- Ring
- Sheet
- Pyramid
*FCI energy values for all H10 systems are obtained from the GitHub repository of The Evangelista Lab.
F. A. Evangelista and N. H. Stair, “Github repository:,” (2020)
This work was supported by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and The Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI).