This is simple application where customer could initiate and confirm stripe payment, and check own balance.
To run server use cargo run YOUR_STRIPE_TOKEN STRIP_WS_TOKEN
To build production executablecargo build --release
What was implemented:
- Axum server with router state and extractor
- Stripe payment initialization and webhooks handling
- Diesel queiry with aggregation from multiple
The current implementation of the payment system has several limitations and missing features:
- Customer Management:
- You cannot create or delete customers
- Authorization:
- No efforts have been made to implement any kind of security.
- Currency Handling:
- Currencies must be stored in a separate table with appropriate exchange rates. This allows for calculating balances in the desired currency, instead of maintaining balances on a per-currency basis.
- Partial Charges:
- Partial charges are not supported.
- Webhook Handling:
- The reaction to Stripe webhooks is missing because I didn't have a stable IP to expose my server to Stripe. Additionally, there wasn't enough time to fully understand the Stripe payment workflow.
- HTTP Error Handling:
- I am not sure about handling HTTP errors. In previous work, we never manually sent code 500 and used only custom 400+ codes to represent domain-specific errors.
Diesel migrations will be applied by
- Testing stripe webhooks
stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/stripe_webhooks
stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded