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Jean edited this page May 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Unit Testing

  1. If you haven't already, install Minify using the UserGuide.

  2. Copy the "min_unit_tests" directory directly into your DOCUMENT_ROOT.

  3. Browse to http://example.localhost/min_unit_tests/test_all.php

You should see a list of "PASS"es. You can run the individual test PHP files in for more verbose output.

Common Problems

!WARN: environment : Local HTTP request failed. Testing cannot continue.

test_environment.php makes a few local HTTP requests to sniff for zlib.output_compression and other auto-encoding behavior, which may break Minify's output. This warning will appear if allow_url_fopen is disabled in php.ini, but does not necessarily mean there is a problem.

If Minify seems to work fine, ignore the warning. If Minify produces garbled output, enable allow_url_fopen in php.ini and re-run the tests. The tests may be able to tell you if PHP or your server is automatically encoding output.

Unless you need it in other scripts, disable allow_url_fopen once the issue is resolved. Minify does not need it.