A project for discussing and aggregating data, tools, ideas, and discussions for open force field development.
- NMR dataqm/
- QM data and toolsdensity/
- density data for binary mixturesideas/
- various ideas explored (e.g. atom type sampling, Bayesian parameterization)
- Forcefield development notes and ideas wiki page
- Notes from Vertex meeting
- Small molecule forcefield working group
- John D. Chodera, MSKCC
<[email protected]>
- Kyle A. Beauchamp, MSKCC
<[email protected]>
- Vijay S. Pande, Stanford
<[email protected]>
- Lee-Ping Wang, Stanford
<[email protected]>
- Christopher Bayly, OpenEye
<[email protected]>
- Jean-Francois Truchon, Vertex
<[email protected]>
- Dan MacKay, Novartis
<[email protected]>
- David Mobley, UCI
<[email protected]>
- Brittany Zimmerman, U. Virginia
<[email protected]>
- Levi Naden, U. Virginia
<[email protected]>
- Michael Shirts, U. Virginia
<[email protected]>