Passionate about IoT technology.
- Testing API with
- Solving CORS
- Optimizing API performance using Gunicorn
- Using Redis as in-ram key-value database for caching
- Create API with Flask
- Communication:
- TCP and UDP socket
- Voice communication between two Raspberry Pi
- Security and Privacy
- Diffie–Hellman key exchange
- AES encryption and decryption
- Data visualization:
- ThingSpeak platform
- Plotly platform
- Parallel Processing
- multi-threading using Java
- Android Programming, interacting with MySQL database
- LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server on Raspberry Pi
- Arduino controls LED lamp, LCD display, card reader and servo motor
- Use of temperature and humidity sensor
- MySQL in RaspberryPi
- Neural Network Algorithm
- Bluetooth communication
Introduction to BTLE, Zigbee, ZWave
Setup iBeacon
Raspberry Pi Temperature & Humidity Network Monitor
Raspberry Pi Web Server
Web server on Raspberry pi – Apache, php5, mysql, vsftp, webmin, wordpress
Setup LAMP Server on Raspberry Pi 3 – Complete DIY Guide
Installing Raspian, Apache, VNC, VSFTP, MySQL and, PhpMyAdmin on Raspberry Pi
Difference between sleep() and wait()?
What is the difference between Thread.join and Synchronised?
MarkDown Tutorial
Create GitHub Pages
GitHub Cheat sheet
How to use GitHub
Team Collaboration With GitHub
GitHub Cheat Sheet