This plugin will add platform support for HomeWizard to Homebridge. And therefore give you the ability to control all devices and sensors attached to your HomeWizard with Siri!
If you are interested in helping out, or would like to see support for something let me know!
- Switches
- Dimmers
- Thermometers
First follow the instructions to install homebridge:
If you have Node and NPM setup basically:
npm install -g homebridge
Once you have homebridge installed, install this plugin:
npm install -g homebridge-homewizard
Now you will have to setup your config.json for homebridge. An example is included in this repo.
When you have installed homebridge and homebridge-homewizard and got them running and setup on your iOS device. All devices that homebridge-homewizard currently supports should popup on your iOS device as accessories in Homekit.
Below is an example configuration for Homebridge. To run the HomeWizard plugin you need to add the platform object in the platforms array like below. The accessories array, has not functionality regarding the HomeWizard plugin and is used by Homebridge for other plugins etc.
- platform: should always be HomeWizard
- url: The url to your HomeWizard
- password: The password of your HomeWizard
- filtered(optional): Array of accessories that will be ignored by the plugin. If you have a switch in your HomeWizard you dont want to expose to Siri. But the name in here and it will be ignored.
- debug(optional): when set to true enables some extra logging regarding the http requests, usefull for debugging
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge - DEV",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:40",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-156"
"description": "Example configuration for Homebridge using the HomeWizard platform.",
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [{
"platform": "HomeWizard",
"url": "",
"password": "<yourhomewizardpassword>",
"filtered": ["deviceName"],
"debug": false
All help developing this plugin is welcome. Homebridge-homewizard is written in ES6 and transpiled using Babel.
If you want to add support for new devices, you will need to create a new accessory class in the accessories folder. See for example switch or thermometer, next to that you will need to make the accessories factory in accessories.js aware of you new device type. The factory receives the entire response of the get-sensors call from the HomeWizard which lists all devices.
- 0.0.18 - Added possibility to filter out accessories based on name
- 0.0.15 - Fixed issue where multiple api calls at the same time would fail, they are being queued now
- 0.0.12 - First stable release