1.8.8 (2023-08-06)
Bug Fixes
filter summary messages will bypass recall message problem (3f06e3d )
fix badge in sidebaritem bouncing when hover (c045475 )
fix problem which allow operate to local message (9fb0246 )
add friend nav item badge when has unprocess friend request (bc36cb0 )
add grouping by status to member list (288f5a6 )
add i18n support for antd and WebFastifyForm (63c203e )
add local message to avoid network error which occur repeat send same message (9bb931a )
add person icon badge when has unprocessed friend request (1b84143 )
add plugin which can auto join group after register or createTemporaryUser (1084913 )
admin: add analytics page (39e0b2c )
admin: add operate which can add group member (8df7b47 )
admin: allow create group through admin (58f7144 )
admin: allow search user and group with id (5099170 )
Performance Improvements
optimize the loading experience of the web panel (7db9d63 )
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