USACE St. Paul District CWMS Utilities
"Borrowed" from on Dec 13, 2021
Read instructions before executing.
Click here for the raw script_downloader_mvp code
Select all code in the browser (Ctrl + A)
Copy code to your clipboard (Ctrl + C)
Create a new script from the CAVI Script Editor and name it exactly as "script_downloader_mvp" (it is case sensitve)
Paste code (Ctrl + V) into the new CAVI script
In the Script Editor: Save script
Run script_downloader_mvp
The script_downloader_mvp will download and install necessary package(s) and template watershed scripts to the currently opened watershed. Installing/Updating with the script_downloader_mvp will ask you if you want to view instructions for that script, which comes back to this repository specific to the utility.