Test / sample Python package setup.
# Installing the main (master) branch...
pip install -e git+git://github.com/mt-kelvintaywl/ktay_python_example.git#egg=ktay_python_example
# Installing from a specific branch...
# In this example, we have additional code added in the feat branch.
pip install -e git+git://github.com/mt-kelvintaywl/ktay_python_example.git@feat#egg=ktay_python_example
# What if the python installable (package) is in a subfolder in our GitHub repo?
# In this case, we've moved the setup.py file and codes to a `./subfolder` folder in subfolder branch.
pip install -e "git+git://github.com/mt-kelvintaywl/ktay_python_example.git@subfolder#egg=ktay_python_example&subdirectory=subfolder"
# What if this python package is a private Github repo?
pip install -e "git+https://$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN:[email protected]/mt-kelvintaywl/ktay-python-example.git@subfolder#egg=ktay_python_example&subdirectory=subfolder"