A Python (Python3) script that utilize the Tableau Server REST API to modify the a DataSource Connection's serverAddress and portAddress to the provided info being passed in the wdc_datasource_rename.conf file
To create one rename the datasource_rename.conf.sample file to datasource_rename.conf
Modify the following fields in the conf file
# tableauServer is the name of the Tableau server you want to work with tableauServer = https://your.tableau.server.u.want.to.use # tableauSite is the name of the Site in Tableau you want to work with tableauSite = TABLEAU_SITE_YOU_WANT_TO_USE # logType will help set the type of logging you want for the program # You can set to "debug, info, warn, error" # If nothing is passed it will be set to info logType = debug # newServerAddress is used to specify the new server address that will be used when the call to # change the DataSources connection is made, note that there is no https:// or http:// prefix # it's not required newServerAddress = address.of.tabserver.you.want.to.change.to # newPortAddress is used to specify the new port number that will be used when the call to # change the DataSources connection is made. newPortAddress = port.number
Run the python script. NOTE: a log file will be generated on first run.
# Rember this is written for python3 if your default python is not # set to use python3 run with **python3 scriptName.py** python datasource_rename.py