Dal Overflow is a Stack Overflow clone tailored for university students. It provides a platform for students to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate with peers on university-related topics. This is the project my team developed for Advanced Software Development Concepts.
- User authentication and authorization.
- Posting and answering questions.
- Upvoting and downvoting answers.
- Tagging questions with relevant topics.
- User profiles and reputation system.
- Search functionality.
- Spring Boot - Java-based framework for building the backend.
- Spring Security - Authentication and authorization.
- Spring Data JPA - Database interactions.
- MySQL - Relational database for data storage.
- RESTful API - Communication with the frontend.
- React - JavaScript library for building the user interface.
- React Router - Client-side routing.
- Axios - Making API requests to the backend.
- Material-UI - Styling components.