This project contains all ontology resources generated through the Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Datasets to Improve Data Discovery and Access (MUDROD) project funded by NASA AIST (NNX15AM85G).
MUDROD ontologies stem from a number of sources
- NASA Global Change Master Directory Directory Interchange Format (GCMD-DIF) - defined appropriately here, GCMD-DIF exists primarily as an XSD however through MUDROD we have created an OWL manifestation which can be found at dif_v10.2.owl.
- podaacDatasets.owl - a PO.DAAC-specific extension of the SWEET reprDataProduct.owl#Dataset concept with the Data property assertions based off of the GCMD-DIF data model provided above. Each PODAACDataset instance (individual) represents a PO.DAAC dataset with the data values being derived from the PO.DAAC WebServices.
- Chaowei (Phil) Yang - NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center, George Mason University
- Yongyao Jiang - NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center, George Mason University
- Yun Li - NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center, George Mason University
- Edward M Armstrong - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
- Thomas Huang - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
- David Moroni - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
- Chris Finch - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
- Lewis John Mcgibbney - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
All MUDROD ontologies are licensed permissively under the Apache License v2.0 a copy of which ships with this code.