- Synchronize different clipboards (namely primary and clipboard). This feature can be disabled.
- Capture clipboard history. The length of the history is configurable.
- Select the active clipboard entry from the context menu of the status icon.
- Edit clipboard history.
- Disable history temporarily.
- Store history accross sessions. This feature is disabled by default.
If you are using Archlinux you may install it from the AUR (gclipboard-git).
The core of the application is made out of composable MVC classes and templates. The interfaces for each functionality are defiend in the subfolders clipboard, preferences, and freezable. Classes that implement these are defined in the root folder. Typically those are views that handle the interaction with GTK widgets or models that connect to the corresponding functionality with intermediate state (i.e. saving and restoring sessions via Glib or interaction with the system clipboards).