This application is build on spring boot v 2.4.2.Release To use Weather Forecasting Rest API, User need to register with service to get APIKEY, which will be added in file.
- Maven 3.5.2
- Eclipse Oxygen
- Java 8
This application uses MAVEN 3.5.2 for build. Use below command at the root directory of this project
mvn clean install
Once the build is successful, you can find the jar file of this application in ~/target folder Run the jar file using below command
java -jar .\target\weatherforecast-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
http://localhost:9090/data/{cityname} e.g. http://localhost:9090/data/berlin
response Example:
http://localhost:9090/swagger-ui.html This can be used for manual testing
To Test Application :
you can run com.weatherforecast.WeatherForcastApplicationTests
To Test Integration with
you can run com.weatherforecast.integration.WeatherForecastIntegrationTest
At first, I created a high level design:
API call-->/data/{city}-->dataservice-->openweathermap forecast API-->dataservice-->response for /data
Note: In case study, I assume that, Average is referring to mean and not to mode or median
Following are my reasoning and motivations through out this case study:
- When ever I develop an API, I keep in mind the performance, maintainability, easy to test, and easy to read.
- code should be well commented for easy understanding.
- Bootstrap the application by creating project at
- Imported to eclipse for development, my preferable IDE.
- All the variables, which are subject to change were added in properties file, this helps in easy maintenance.
- Java 8 features like Lambda expressions with Stream API is used for better understanding and less code.
- Collections like ArrayList is used to collect data for different days.
- POJO classes are created to get the required forecast data from
- POJO class is created for /data response.
- Exceptions are created to throw the correct error code according to the REST API conventions.
- Input is getting validated at the starting of API call and appropriate error code is thrown.
- Caching is enabled in this application to cached the forecast data from, to improve the performance for multiple same API calls.
- server port is also changed to 9090 because mainly 8080 is already taken in several machines.
- I have used multiple functions to divide the logic and increase the code reuse.
- LocalDate and LocalTime is added in the response of, which makes it easy to filter the entries according to the date and time.