- Register https://www.weatherbit.io/ to get api key
- export WEATHER_API_KEY=your api key
- export JAVA_HOME=graalvm home directory
- use $./gradlew nativeImage
- to run $build/native-image/application forecast --country CA --city montreal
- Docker Image $./gradlew dockerBuild
- Docker with native-image $ ./gradlew dockerBuildNative
- Check out this link for more information The goal of this repository is to demonstrate a real-world use case of Micronaut with Picocli and GraalVM to generate powerful yet simple native images of a command-line application.
This application is built:
- With Micronaut as its base: to show how to use HTTP Clients & other Micronaut such as auto-config
- With Picocli to handle all CLI specificities such as options and positional parameters parsing or displaying useful help messages
- With GraalVM "native-image" feature enabled in Micronaut so we can easily compile this application down to a native binary.
- With Weatherbit.io weather API to show interactions with remote services
- With
♥️ , but there can still be bugs or problems, contributions are more than welcome !