Python3 script to collect JSON responses from HTTP endpoints and perform aggregations based on the configuration. This script requires a configuration file(config.yml) and a text file with the list of servers (servers.txt) passed as command line parameters.
- Can hit thousands of endpoints and collect the JSON responses.
- Validate the JSON responses with the schema provided in the config file.
- Extract specified JSON properties from the response.
- Perform add/subtract/multiply/divide operations across the JSON properties.
- Perform average/sum aggregations of a JSON property (withnumerical value) by other properties.
- Write output to files in JSON, YAML formats.
- Write output to the console in a format (template) defined the in the configuration.
Make sure your computer has Python3 installed and it is the default Python version.
Copy the directory server_status_reporter to your computer and switch to that directory.
Run pip install, make sure you are using the right pip (Python3)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a server.txt file with the list of endpoints. Do not prefix HTTP/HTTPS or suffix with the request path. If there is a port number it is needed to be there.
For example,
Edit the config.yml as per your use case, the example file provided is a good starting point.
name: Server Status Test
timeout: 5 # aiohttp request timeout
name: "server status"
path: "/status" # HTTP request path
validate_properties: # list of properties you are expecting to see and their types in the JSON response from the endpoint.
- name: Application
type: str
- name: Success_Count
type: int
- name: Request_Count
type: int
- name: Version
type: str
extractions: # JSON properties to extract from the response from the endpoint.
application: Application
request_count: Request_Count
success_count: Success_Count
version: Version
calculations: # math operations to perform between the extracted values defined in the section above.
- new_var: success_rate # new variable name with the value calculated from the operation below.
operation: division # val1/val2
val1: success_count
val2: request_count
aggregations: # after collecting the data from all the endpoints below aggregations are performed, average_by and sum_by are supported.
- type: average_by
value_field: success_rate # the filed (with numerical value) for which the average is calculated.
fields: # average by these two fields from the extracted values from the extraction section above.
- application
- version
outputs: # produce output from all the endpoint data, calculations and aggregations.
- type: file # write to a file.
name: output.json # file name.
format: json # file format, JSON and yml are supported.
- type: console # print to the screen.
template: Application $application with Version $version has average success rate of $average # console output template, variables (with $ symbol) should be from the fields and aggregation results.
- type: file
name: output.yml
format: yml
To start the script run the below.
python -c config.yml -s servers.txt